So after much research I have bought a 275 ibc and 3 55 gallon drumbs. Plan is 3 drumbs become 6 beds and ibc as fish tank. My questions are as follows..
I have done the displacement numbers on the growbeds, but I thought I could avoid a sump(I really want to setup the system but don't have money for another IbC) if I don't cut any of the ibc for a growbed, then I plan on running a timed standpipe system, to avoid bell siphens, and I just feel comfortable not constantly flooding certain plants.. My math says the tank shouldn't drop bellow 200 gallons without a sump obv. Is this safe and will the 6 growbeds (3 55 gal barrels split) approach me near what I need, I thought the more surface the better for fish. and how much can I expand? How heavily stocked (final yield) would this system allow for tilapia and a few catfish? If u have secondary tanks ect, can you repopulate your tanks every time you harvest? Basically will the fish spawn, and if done correctly, will you completely refresh your stock each cycle avoiding having to buy new fingerlings each cycle?? Any sugggestions on a sump, if u think the change of water level or the benefits of the sump are so much that I should just wait untill I can install with the initial system? Assuming I need another 275 ibc (any suggestions on cheap alternative), and if I cut the 2nd and make a growbed out of the top, will the 250 gallon fish tank allow for the ibc growbed and 6 barrels with a sump?

Sorry if too much, just constantly having questions and can't find this exact system. It seems to me the starter IbC systems, with top as growbed, don't come near the surface area of growbeds needed for a tank that size, plus it would annoy me quickly as I'm eager to try all sorts of different plant options and one growbed for all that doesn't seem worth it to me.