Hi All,

I did not know where to place this info.
My wife and I sat in on a meeting/dinner last night on The Ohio Aquaculture Plan.
Last year, the Ohio Aquaculture Task Force was setup to develop a plan to help aquaculture expand in Ohio.
This was the first reading of the draft, to answer questions and add input.
The ODA (Ohio Dept. of Ag.) feels Ohio is in a very good position to move into a major player
role of aquaculture in the US, and is ready to help.
The draft included recommendations in :
Aqua Business - a revolving loan program, Feasibility study for aqua. in Ohio, Develop
enterprise budgets for aquaculture facilities in Ohio.
Aqua Education - Promote aqua education, Finalize OSU "Triangle Plan", provide on-farm site
consultation and training.
Aqua Research - Continue to support funding for basic research.

This is just some the topics covered.
I know this kind of information isn't for everyone,but for those of us how want to make a living from aquaponics, it quite heartening to see a state to move in the right direction for the little guy. It was a very interesting evening.
