Can I get people who say they are interested, Yes. Am I going to be able to get people to commit to something that is not there? I would not!! I personally have seen to many times people with good intentions to offer goods or service, just were not able to deliver, to invest my dollars in something someone PLANS to do. I would not ask others to do something I myself am not willing to do.
In my other business I had request for a certain product, but I did not have the equipment to provide it. I finally had to make the investment to buy the equipment, based on my idea that there would indeed be enough business to make it pay. People did not want to hand over there money for something I am planning to do, or planning to offer,even though I had a proven track record of providing other services. The same in my mind holds true for AP. Can you ask people if you started growing veggies and fish would they be interested in buying XYZ for $$$ amount, and they will give you an answer. This you can base your decision on. Can I get people to sign a contract and promise money for something I PLAN to deliver in the future. Like I said I would not, so I do not have that expectation of others.