I just bought the Tilapia Growout Kit #2 from Premium Fish Food to get me started. Also, I just ordered 30 fingerlings from a local aquaponic farm. How long should I expect 15.5 lbs to last me with 30 fingerlings?

1.5 pounds Tilapia PowerStart Fingerling Crumble
3 pounds Tilapia Fingerling Pellet
3 pounds Tilapia Intermediate Pellet
8 pounds Tilapia Ultimate Growout Pellet

I mentioned the green scrapes are just supplemental food for the fish, not full time feed.

For "quality" fish food, everything seems about $1/pound. Whether it be Premium Fish food, Zeiglers, or Purina. Purina, I know I can get locally and save me the $$ on S/H. Paid $15 for 15.5lbs to be shipped to me for that starter batch of feed! Was just hoping someone had some experience with Purina feed.