I'll definitely have to research some more on the tomato plants! That is one of the main reasons I wanted to start this system! Maybe I can keep a small planter going inside my house during the hot summer months for larger tomatoes. The girlfriend already gave me the 3rd bedroom for my "beer factory". I wouldn't mind a nice looking tomato plant in here

I saw a few cherry tomato plants at HD today, do you think those would survive a transplant?

So summer months do you only grow the okra, sweet potatoes, and spinach? Trying to figure out what plants I can start planting now.

Off topic from plants and over to the build, when I was in HD just now I was pricing out the lumber I am going to use for my build. Is if safe to use treated lumber? Everything there is "weathershield" wood. The wood will just be a stand to support the halved barrels, but I may be running 2x4's up the sides to nail trellis to for shading. How high should I build the cover for this?