Then answer is no to cutting back on the fish feeding....Scuds in an Aquaponic System aren't there to lower the feed bill even though, once they become established, the fish will be able to snack on them when they come across them.

They are useful as a scavenger in eliminating plant debris, algae and left over fish food. They, also in the case of young fish as well as fry such as newly released Tilapia young, are a plentiful live food helping to ensure the survivability of the fry.

They occur naturally in nature and form a large part of the food supply for some major game fish such as trout. They can also be place in a well planted aquarium and serve as a food supplement for smaller fish such as guppies etc.

They can be helpful in maintaining a balanced Aquaponic System because once established, they will count in the hundreds of millions and reproduce like rabbits....the more plentiful, the more food for the fish and less debris.