I was wondering when someone was going to notice it before I officially announced its existence. I've been working on the change for about 3 months using another domain name as the base then had to change everything over once I got it all configured and working. What a nightmare that was.

I figure it was about time to update it. I've even included a blog where I am going to "TRY" notice I said try to post something preferably every day but will be lucky if I can accomplish that task every couple days what with the Post Office keeping me on the road and outta' town recently.

I'm seriously considering another seminar in Jacksonville, Fl. this coming April 27th & 28th. With this much advanced notice, do you think you could make it as a speaker Would love to have you in addition to finally meeting you.

Thanks for the complement on the new home site. Not very colorful but easier to add to and modify than before.