I have just stumbled across this forum while researching aquaponics on line.

I am a conservation Specialist with the local soil and water conservation district. I have worked in Agriculture all of my life and have been at this job going on 15 years. I have become very interested in some of these new and seemingly sustainable methods for food production and am researching how to set up my aquaponics system.

This site looks like a very valuable resource.

i have experience with solar pumping and pump water for my livestock with a home made system that I put together.

Pump longevity has always been my biggest problem until I put in a timer and only run it as long as I need it daily.

looking to avoid those issues with my aquaponic experiment.

I am planning a a 200 gallon start up in modules and can expand in hundred gallon increments after I learn how. I have a 12 volt solar panel avaialble for use. Could use some suggestions on decent but not exhorbitant 12 volt pumps. Have read several threads but have not gotten to one on pumps yet.