Hi JCO !!!!
I have nothing against any one making a living but I visited another sight and it was suggested I should start small and learn instead of my grand plan of using my entire Barren yard as I have plans too. Sorry but no small system for me I want my whole yard used.
The differences between a large and small systems are just that both have same problems just ones easier to manage for a beginner.

Then It was suggested I attend his week long class which they just happened to put on which cost around $1500-2000 per person plus staying at there convenient bed and breakfast for hundreds a night.
Or for guys like me we could buy his expensive chopped down video's or his book for a fraction of what the class costs.

Sorry but that's not what farming is all about not in my book, Farming is not just for the super rich and neither is Hydroponics or Aquaponics!

You wanna make money with your presentations the classes you wanna put on??????
Make a cheap Video edit it and sell down loadable copies of it from your web sight for 5 bucks each.
There is FAR more to be made from guys like me that wanna see it but are not rich enough to travel half way across the country and spend thousands of dollars doing it.

Think about it why does every one use PVC in every system???? why not copper??? because its cheap!!!! or why do people use so many recycled chemical containers??? and those blue 55 gal drums???? because they are cheap to get!!!!

Sure there are a few people out their that have large sums of money to do up nice systems but their are FAR more people out their just like me that need the information for the real thing to feed themselves!!! not just to show it off to their friends, bridge club, or Garden club!

Think about it this way say you do your presentation you want to do say you get $100 each from 30 people = $3000 not bad for a weekend but to do it again you have to do a lot of advertising and go to another city to do it again...... not to cool in my opinion.

Now do it my way provide the info down loadable from your web sight cheap $5each x 50,000.00 down loads = $250,000.00
Far more money over a longer period of time yes but you will make yourself a celebrity at the same time which will allow you to make even more videos into the future. Once you have a Fan base established and a reputation for giving out sound information basically free the world will beat a path to your door and the world will forget about the greedy ones who cater to the super rich.

That unemployed family in Backward America trying to feed his family will be forever grateful as will the Family's in third world country's!!!!

Farming is about feeding people, Plants grow as long as they have sun light and water always have always will that's no secret.
Hydoponics has been around for thousands of years the Romans had it so did Incas Myans and Aztecs.
And they did it without Plastic & Fiberglass tanks or PVC Pipe. so Hydroponics isn't new or a big secret either.
And Many farmers have long since known of a symbiotic relationship between aquaculture and plants for a very long time too so that's no secret either!

Its when some one put it together in a class room or in their back Yard and slapped a fancy new name on it that it became such a Black Magic deal. The truth is If you can keep a Gold fish alive in a fish bowl and you can put a seed in soil you can grow food.
Is it that simple well depends where you live but no, You do need a bit more knowledge than that but its still the same basic idea basically now isn't it?

Personally I would rather be remembered as The guy who helped feed millions of people all over the world as compared to the guy who was just in it to make a few quick bucks.

Being wealthy is a state of mind personally I would rather be independent of society than to be dependent on others gratuity.

Dennis B.