Sup guys.. I've started building a basic aquaponics setup which I hope will one day process my kitchen scraps and such.. anyway here's a link to my blog tracking the progress and ideas. I'm Permaculture certified which is a system of sustainable design i will be using in combination with aquaponics to get the desired result. I'm more knowledgeable about terrestrial sustainability but that just means I SHOULD be learning about water right??

Anyway, a little more about the system, the water is being moved by an air lift pump.. It is being pumped from the bio-filter into the fish tank.. I just stuck an airstone in a piece of pvc tubing and it shoots water out of the tee. The water then cycles back into the bio-filter through a siphon. The tank will contain a mint raft for easy root trimming and goldfish because I hear they're just easy. From here I plan to add biology and tanks to perform different tasks such as an ecosystem would. This is where I should get the ability to process kitchen waste but I'm positive the system will need to build a hearty biology before I can start dumping banana peels in there.


check it out, pics are included there.