Are you using an extruder and hammer mill then for the pellets? Protein demands for maximum production will change as the fish matures. So are you running a growout facility then? Or breeding on site, then moving fingerlings to main system for growout?
What is your other crop? To have multiple crops coming market ready every week, you're talking 10's of thousands of gallons in constant circulation. 52 weeks a year, assuming year round production. 52 harvestings/4 weeks a month, and 1 ton a month = 153.84 lbs per week. 6 oz fillet as that's an easy number for me to multiply with is...51.28 fish harvested per week.....for that to be feasable....good GOD! How big are your grow beds? What's your plan for the biproduct from the fish? Texas A&M I beleive it was, I could be wrong. Released a study in pdf about problems feeding fish parts back to the fish even if processed as feed. It's been a while but it was either a hormone or an lipid acid or something that it prevented being utilized. Or was years ago I read it and would have to find it again. But it's a similar problem to feeding predatory fish ONLY feeder goldfish. It creates problems for the fish later on.

To procude this yeild of fish tonage, that's a lot of waste to consider.