YP...yes...they are more torpedo shaped than bluegill with dark banding. Little teeth, and white flaky meat that tends to be a little sweet. They take 2 years to mature and to successfully breed. Doesn't mean they don't try. I had them as a kid in WA. Fun to catch, not fun to clean and eat due to bones...or maybe at 12 I just sucked at it.

The point is....they grow SOOOOOO slow. Depending on intended use there may be better species out there. But we haven't been given enough info yet. So...right now you and me are just BS'ing.

But YP are one of my favorite species, they don't like the heat down here though so it's not economical for me to try to raise them unless I find a way to make them a summer crop like a lot of people here, and the state due trout. Our winter though is just a couple of months. Then the heat kills them, and the ducks, birds, and catfish clean up.