Confused. I have to admit I looked up "pendanticism" to see what it meant. Here's what I found, and the links to where I found it. I could be wrong, but I don't believe the context is accurate for the above comment. The above comment was made in an effort to grasp what your driving at and it appeared to me that more variables are at play that effect your question than just the pump. I can't help find an answer, or at least I think it's helping find you an answer if I don't understand the question. I am getting off point.
Here's the definition, please explain where I went wrong? My signature was not to be a slam at goes on every post I make, like a shadow it follows me. Originally set up as a veiw of my own learning curve...and inadequacies as I seem to learn mostly by trial and error.
Pedanticism is a practised by people so focused on errors that they sometimes
end up missing the errors of their own.

Main Entry: ped·ant·ry
Pronunciation: ped-n-tr
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural -ries
: dull and overly exact presentation of knowledge or learning ... a=pedantry

Time to tuck tail back to shadows....