i'm sure there would be small pockets of well organized groups fighting a long term gorilla war, most hunters would crap themselves and run the first time they heard a bullet whistle by their heads or saw a buddy get blown up
I would venture to say that a large portion of the hunters in the US are former military men and while it would be a scary situation to be under attack in any manner, I think most Americans (when pushed) have a lot more backbone than you give us credit for and we have always had a lot of bounce back power.

As mentioned by FOODCHAIN, the people who had been molested, robbed and burglarized bounced right down to the gun store to purchase some peace of mind and hopefully save them from the same misery again.

More gun laws only weaken the law abiding and strengthen the wicked. Education is decidedly the best course but even then, there will always be crazies out there and accidents will happen even. Check the auto accident records...they kill far more people each year than guns.

Take a look at the crime rates before and after in those countries such as England and Australia for example, who took the right to own a gun away from their citizens.