Hey guys!

i decided to ditch my 10 gallon plan and go larger with my system and make it out doors.

My plans as of now are.

a 55 gallon rubbermaid tote.(aquarium)

A custom built wooden frame with pond liner.(grow bed)
dimensions are 12" H 24" W 45" L this equals about 56 gallons of grow bed.

my 100 gph pump finally arrived(expected it to be bigger its about the size of my fist.)
And my air pump is on the way. I ordered this one.

http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vi ... SA:US:1123

It says its good for up to 80 gallon aquariums.

OH and most importantly, for the bell siphon. according to affnans videos he has his pvc pipes and then an adapter on the stand pipe that makes it like a funnel, he said it works really well. so my plans for that is to use 3/4 inch with the funnel piece that goes up to 1 inch, a 2 inch bell and 3 inch guard. the funnel piece was rather chunky and left a little space with between the 2" bell, but i suppose thats just going to cause more suction. (i didnt buy it just yet just looked at the pvc)

Im also going to be using a nice gravel.(similar to the grey kind in murray's videos.) hydroton is just way to much money.

well these are my plans as of now, i have until sunday(when i go to home depot.) to change

Let me know what you think