Well my first "ponics" system has been up and running for a couple of weeks now in my garage. Took the worst tomatoe plant out of the garden planter, and a half dead basil plant to see if it would grow. I have not purchased any fish as I have been "playing" with this system and trying to perfect bell siphons and water flow. I also read somewhere that you want to establish a system before fish.
I have been adding Botanicare progrow 3-2-4 to the water and now my plant is slowly flowering. I also have bubble poinics bucket that I made last night just for the fun of it.
I havent a clue as to what I am doing, and my garage looks of the home of a mad scientist with buckets drilled, pipes cut off, waterflowing, and polyvinylchloride in one from or another strewn about along with all of my tools. -Beats coming home drunk and kicking the dog around the house I guess.

With that said, it's time to go to the next phase. I need to test for PH, and ??? I guess a bunch of other stuff for both the fish, and the bubble bucket.

What should I buy? Where should I buy it?

I know I need testers, and if I am going to buy some I would like digital ones that I can use a while.


Thank you,