Okay, I'm back! Eastern North Carolina is getting pounded with storms. We had hurricane Irene over the weekend she was a category 1, not much I know compared to some areas but it's not something you look forward to while your in the middle of putting up a greenhouse The only damage received over the weekend was one of the polycarbonate panels on the end was torn out. I will try to fix it or just buy another 4x8 piece.

Today when I went back out to do some more work, a thunderstorm came in with A LOT of wind and rain, tornado warnings, etc.
I got caught out in the storm while trying to clean things up and we had enough wind where it pushed the bottom of the end frame inside the greenhouse and about 2 feet or so in the air. The look on my face priceless!! Thank God not much damage was done, it tore the end frame and bolts out the ground post it was connected to on one side and twisted one of the long tubes a little. It might sound a little worse than it actually was those because everything is put back and drove some extra metal pieces in the ground in front of the frame for the time being. I will have to order another support bracket for the end wall frame part that was ripped loose from the ground post, but everything else seems to be good to go.

So now that I am done with all of that on to the pics of the progess

Thanks UF and david for the nice comments
I will also do my best to down size the pics I am using photobucket.