1. What do you mean, aquaponics?
2. Why do you use fish in an aquaponics system?
3. What is the terminology is used in aquaponics?
4. Are there any abbreviations I need to know to understand what aquaponicists are talking about?
5. What is the cycling process?
6. What fertilizers or organic growing solutions are used in an aquaponics system?
7. How can I build an aquaponics system?
8. What if I'm not mechanically inclined?
9. Where can I get help in designing and building an aquaponics system?
(1).What do you mean, aquaponics ?
Aquaponics is the melding of two different technologies – Aquaculture, and Hydroponics. Although they would seem diametrically opposite, the two technologies actually complement each other and work together very well. Please check the links on the DIY Homepage, as well as the DIY Classified and the DIY Forums for more information.
(2).Why do you use fish in an aquaponics system ?
This is the Aquaculture part of Aquaponics. The fish are grown for one of two reasons ... (1). Some may raise the fish for ornamental use ..... i.e. koi/goldfish in a pond environment; tropical fish in aquariums for sales to local fish shops/private sales, ..... (2) Some raise fish for eating – trout, perch, tilapia, catfish, crayfish, shrimp. Please check the links on the DIY Homepage, as well as the DIY Classified and the DIY Forums for more information..
(3).What is the terminology is used in aquaponics?
It usually centers around the type(s) of system(s) you use, or the equipment you use to assemble your system. Once in a while it will refer to the types of fish or invertebrates you use or the veggies you are raising. Please check the links on the DIY Homepage, as well as the DIY Classified and the DIY Forums for more information.
(4). Are there any abbreviations I need to know to understand what aquaponicists are talking about?
Some will use certain abbreviations, that are common in computerese: lol – lots of laughs, rotfl – rolling on the floor, laughing, j/k - Just Kidding etc. Most of the abbreviations that are used by aquaponicists might be:
GB – grow-bed
FT – fish tank
F&D – Flood and Drain
CHIFT-PIST - Constant Height in Fish Tank - Pump in Sump Tank
DWC – Deep Water Culture
NFT – Nutrient Film Technique
RAS – Recirculating Aquaponics System
More will be added soon .......
Please check the links on the DIY Homepage, as well as the DIY Classified and the DIY Forums for more information.
(5). What is the cycling process?
It's like hydroponics, but instead of buying expensive organic nutrients, you pump the oxygenated wastewater out of a fish tank and into a grow bed, and the grow-bed filled with media becomes your nutrient reservoir/biofilter utilizing the oxygen, ammonia and fish waste. The fresh veggies and herbs are grown in the grow-bed filled with media (lava rock, pea gravel,clay, perlite, etc.). In the grow bed, there is a helpful bacteria called Nitrosomonas that converts ammonia and fish waste to nitrites, then a different helpful bacteria, called Nitrobacter that converts the deadly nitrites to nitrates which is basically fertilizer, which fertilize and oxygenate the plants and viola!, you’ll have organic lettuce, tomatoes, herbs, etc. After the water gives the nitrates and oxygen to the plants, it goes back to the fish so they can start the process all over again. When the fish grow up, you can eat them and then start over with a bunch of fingerlings (or start your own hatchery and raise your own fingerlings), and the cycle goes on and on. Please check the links on the DIY Homepage, as well as the DIY Classified and the DIY Forums for more information.
(6).What fertilizers or organic growing solutions are used in an aquaponics system?
Normally, there would be no need to use fertilizers or solutions, since you have the fish for their waste products, however, if your fish are not yet in a great enough quantity to produce the required nitrates, or if you need to vary the environment for some reason, there may be certain organic fertilizers or solutions that will not harm the plants or the fish. Please check the links on the DIY Homepage, as well as the DIY Classified and the DIY Forums for more information.
(7). How can I build an aquaponics system, or some components?
There is a HOW-TO section of the FAQS, which is monitored by the moderators. Persons interested in putting up a how-to, can create a new topic, and will give step-by-step instructions, so that you will be able to make one of your own, should you wish. Additionally, there will be links to posts within the forum. Please check the links on the DIY Homepage, as well as the DIY Classified and the DIY Forums for more information.
8. What if I'm not mechanically inclined?
We'll all help you through it, we're all being there, doing that, so we like to give back some of our knowledge. Check out the HOW-TOs forum and see if it explains everything. If it doesn't, ask the author a question about it. Please check the links on the DIY Homepage, as well as the DIY Classified and the DIY Forums for more information.
(9). Where can I get help in designing and building an aquaponics system?
Right here, on DIY Aquaponics. Our forum is friendly to all that are really interested in aquaponics. Please check the links on the DIY Homepage, as well as the DIY Classified and the DIY Forums for more information. There is also a lot of design information on the Internet.
Disclaimer - NOTE: DIYAquaponics does not recommend one or the other of any supplier listed in these FAQS, they are private businesses, and are not associated with DIYAquaponics.
If you would like more aquaponics items to be added to this list, Or if you feel there should be additional questions added and answered, contact the moderator, Jackalope, in a PM.