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View Full Version : Concerning the FAQ's ......

04-24-2009, 06:29 PM
You know what I'd like to see? I'd like to see more FAQ's done up so that the different headings are answered. Right now, most of them are empty, which makes this site look like an amateur attempt or a brand new site! Is there any way that you could do it kinda like a WIKI, where the members could post to the different sections? If the mods wanted to edit it, or make it permanent, that could become a part of the FAQs? I realize that it would probably require a "sandbox-type thread" (for FAQ submissions only, not conversations) but it would go farther to fill up the FAQ sections and headings so that this doesn't look like a one-man or two-man operation. Maybe, just maybe, some of us (who are smarter than I am) might have some good info to share, that would end up in the FAQ section, rather than being in a thread that a newcomer would have to search for. Either that, or someone could be given the responsibility to collect and collate information from the posts and/or the Internet, and present it via a thread or PM to the members for consideration as to the possibility of adding it to the FAQs section. I went to the FAQ sections looking for info on my "critters" and there are no posts yet ...... this might speed up things a bit, I'd think. Obviously it's too much of a burden for one or two people ...... maybe we could share the load ;)

Aquaponics FAQs - The Nuts and Bolts of Your System..! - 0 Topics - 0 Posts - No posts - Forum locked
Critter FAQs - Do's and Don'ts for your critters..! - 0 Topics - 0 Posts - No posts - Forum locked
Plant FAQs - Do's and Don'ts for your green stuff..! - 0 Topics - 0 Posts - No posts - Forum locked
Supply FAQs - Where do I buy stuff I need? - 0 Topics - 0 Posts - No posts - Forum locked

Just my 2 Centavos .........

04-24-2009, 07:50 PM
Please feel free to add here. I'll move info from here to the other threads. We want to keep the FAQs clean. You know how most posts wander like a drunken sailor...

Otherwise, tell me your priorities and I'll reasearch and post. I have a lot of irons in the fire, but this site is truly important to me.

12-05-2011, 01:12 AM
I'll be darned if I can find the Classifieds.
Over in the FAQs there are a bunch of LINKS for them,
but those links don't seem to lead anywhere...

Instruction always appreciated.

12-05-2011, 05:40 AM
Several people can't find the classifieds.
The only problem I see with the above idea...is that there's a lot of stuff involved that is more art than science, or at least the science that I understand. At the risk here of showing my own ignorance.
What works for me in one system, simply doesn't work in the next no matter how hard I try to force that square peg. But on the whole, I agree, there's enough experience and tech info floating around here that it needs to be organized. With a bit of caution though, as I said there's just somethings when you look at on paper, shouldn't work. But in application it does.

12-05-2011, 06:44 AM
it's a good idea, but the caveat is that what and how you can grow depends on where you are..
maybe info by zones?

12-05-2011, 07:25 AM
State maybe better possibly be regions?

12-05-2011, 10:34 AM
"Several people can't find the classifieds."

I was hoping for something a bit more, how shall I put it, instructive...

12-05-2011, 10:37 AM
Instructive? Tell you what, tell me you what you want to sell.....
I will instruct you if I want it or not......NO...not the answer you were looking for? :)
Sorry, couldn't resist.
I was talking about 2-3 weeks ago to some folks on here, and they hadn't seen it in a while either.
Guessing it just fell along the wayside.

12-06-2011, 06:33 AM
I'll be darned if I can find the Classifieds.
Over in the FAQs there are a bunch of LINKS for them,
but those links don't seem to lead anywhere...

Instruction always appreciated.
A lot of house cleaning going on. The forum has been around for 7 years and has survived drought, famine, and pestilence. We're currently sweeping out the dungeons, but the classified will get some TLC soon I'm sure! :mrgreen:

12-06-2011, 10:04 AM
It's an awesome forum,
just exactly what I have been looking for.
I just wish I could find those Classifieds.
I'm thinking their invisibility must be decreasing the sales by a bunch.

12-06-2011, 11:39 AM
I think they got dropped for lack of interest. From what I was told, there just wasn't much in them.
Much of what we seem to do is 'shared' and is free info for the DIY'er.

12-06-2011, 12:00 PM
It's an awesome forum,
just exactly what I have been looking for.
I just wish I could find those Classifieds.
I'm thinking their invisibility must be decreasing the sales by a bunch.
OH, I just realize what you were talking about. Yea, those have been gone for a while. There wasn't much on them to begin with.

Were you looking for something in particular?

12-06-2011, 01:14 PM
No, nothing in particular.
I just notice that often people say
"where can I get this or that?"
and the answer is
"Check out the classifieds."
So I was surprised to find that there are no classifieds.
I figured I was just overlooking something.
That happens, you know.