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05-05-2011, 09:29 PM
Good ideas! I'm not sure how we can organize to spearhead some areas to help this community grow... but there has to be a way!

Yes, getting support from already existing youtubers and things like that would direct people with questions or passion for aquaponics this way! There has to be more than a few dozen people in the world that we can get on here!!!

I don't really have any trade secrets to keep to myself, LOL... in fact, I try to share everything I know, for free, and as scientifically as possible!

05-05-2011, 10:29 PM
it's amazing how many people believe what they do is a trade secret, when it is common knowledge. :D

05-06-2011, 08:57 PM
OK, the challenge is on and I guess now we will see who actually steps up to the pump and just how serious you truly are about furthering the cause of disseminating information about the technology behind Aquaponics.

I've personally been doing it for over 7 years at my own expense with a untold outlay of money and countless hours of research, tried and failed, and tried and failed again and wearing out at least 4 computer keyboards and mice, surviving hard drive crashes, hacker attacks and many hours of lost sleep to put together what you see when you look at the DIY Aquaponics site.

So, here's the challenge:-

I just purchased two domain names;_



Stands for:

World Organization for the Advancement of Aquaponic Technologies

I propose we put together an organization that allows for corporate and individual memberships. These entities and persons must be professional in all their dealings; must always abide by a strict code of ethics in advertising, business practices and personal dealings with the public in order to display the Organization's seal on their website and advertisements. I know one person who can help right off the bat...Stucco's wife...she's an excellent artist and can easily create the WOAAT SEAL once we decide what should be on it.

Need to find some sponsors who will be willing to give discounts on Aquaponic related products to members (the more the merrier).

We will need a non-profit corporation with a 501c standing with the IRS so that all monies that comes into the Organization will be tax free. Any high powered individual out there that can get this done for a song n' dance? I can do the non-profit corp docs for the State of Florida, (cost for filing is $70.00 and $150.00 annually) but the IRS filing is another story...need an excellent (free) attorney and more bucks.

Ambitious eventual goal:-

To purchase land and build a facility for training interested individuals and corporate personal such as exists at the University of the Virgin Islands.

I have been working (covertly) on a number of other projects for the last 6 or 8 months and hopefully I will be able to unveil them to you soon. They will fit in nicely with what I have just proposed. So far as I know, no one anywhere in the world has attempted what I am proposing at this time.

To be a little corny here (If We Build It, They Will Come) and from far and wide.

OK, it's late and I am out of steam...let me hear from those who are seriously interested in the project. Know one thing, I am going ahead with the project with or without. :mrgreen:

05-06-2011, 09:25 PM
I can help with the 501c part of it and anything else for the corporation, bylaws, etc. I can also help with any of the business administrative stuff and managing things. I'm pretty good with compuders too.

Why would members want the woaat certification other than the discounts? What exactly would woaat be for?

05-07-2011, 07:58 AM
The organization would give them and their website/business creditability. Similar to what the "BETTER BUSINESS BUREAU" does for the small business man even though I don't care for that that organization; companies join them to be able to display their logo giving their business creditability whether they are or not.

The Reason it would give them creditability is because each corporate member that applies would undergo strict scrutiny of their website/business practices, claims of accomplishments and their approach toward the technology of Aquaponics and what they contribute toward it. It would separate the wanna bee's who scam the unknowing persons for the quick buck from those that are actually serious about helping by distributing information and know how. The members would also be required to abide by a strict set code of ethics in all their dealings which in itself would lend creditability to their business by association.

WOAAT could send representatives out to various places from time to time to hold seminars and spread the word (and charge for them naturally) to build the bank account toward the eventual goal of setting up the WOAAT University of Aquaponics Technologies.

So what are your ideas. You know me....When I work, I work hard....When I play, I play hard, but When I think, I fall asleep! :lol: :mrgreen:

05-07-2011, 10:02 AM
Okay, I getcha. Now thinking about the adoption of this credential. How do we convince the potential members that we are the authority and all things Aquaponics? How does our process of strict scrutiny make things better for members than say if Dr. Wennard Lilson, who has no credential on his site?

I think once we get some of the bigger folks onboard, the little fish will follow. It's the first step, but HOW? Some ideas come to mind, like give away the first year or 6 months for free to these "larger" communities (assuming they pass or are willing to work with us to make them pass).

WHAT ABOUT websites/companies that only SELL products or that's their main focus? Do we scrutinize them differently? Subscription price difference? Or we don't give them membership at all since we're more about the EDUCATION?

What do you feel, at the moment, the start-up cost for this venture would be, ROUGHLY?

05-07-2011, 12:40 PM
Anybody else have any input for the subject of WOAAT? The most important item needed to drive an idea is communication; communicating to everyone you can get to stand still long enough to listen, so let's hear it...need all ideas regardless of how they might sound :mrgreen:

05-07-2011, 01:34 PM
It sounds like a franchise opportunity. Get folks in each area of the country that specialize and generalize in what work in that area, what fish and plants work best, how to maintain systems, deal with problems, etc. Those folks get the certification to check out the dealers and train people, consult, etc.

05-07-2011, 04:52 PM
A very constructive, sound suggestion....You've got the North East...get busy .. :lol: No, I'm serious...it is a great idea and can work providing we find upstanding persons with knowledge in the field of Aquaponics who are willing to devote the necessary time to establish a presence in their respective areas to promote the goals of the WOAAT.

I spoke to urbanfarmer on the phone today. We were working out the startup costs and the specifications for an IRS not for profit designation for the organization.

Anyone else got any suggestions :?: Keep em coming :mrgreen:

05-08-2011, 01:36 PM
How do we convince the potential members that we are the authority and all things Aquaponics? Rather than THE authority, I think you should consider being AN authority ;)

@JCO - I can't help too much with this project, since I can only do AP for about 3 or 4 months out of the year with our sub-zero winters, and only for home use, that pretty much lets me out. I recently killed my last 400 guppies (no explanation how)! I will try to help out as/when I can if needed.

I'm not doing AP right now ........ making shoes, boots, mocs, and sandals to keep the wolf away from the door (sorry wolfracer!) ;)

05-08-2011, 08:42 PM
How's your cobbler business going? I started in leather work when I was 13 and have made about everything you can with leather from belts, purses, wallets, mocs, black snake whips right up to and including a full blown roping saddle (except for the tree) that a friend of mine from Waycross, Ga. actually used to win a calf roping contest in the rodeo there back in the late 60's.

I've got approx $3 grand worth of leather working tools just sitting in my workbench gathering dust...no time for it anymore. I do love working with leather and always have....guess that's the Cherokee coming out in me.

Don't worry about the project, if I come up with something I think you will have time to help with, I'll let you know. :mrgreen:

05-09-2011, 09:43 AM
This is a very interesting proposition. When I started in AP I looked far and wide for an "expert". I found lots of articles and case studies but this site and the folks who contribute hear actually helped the most. So as far as I'm concerned you are the authority.. :D So since I started my AP system I have been visited and questioned multiple times about how and why AP. Even got invited to speak at a Master Gardener program. I turned them down because I don't think I have the qualifications to teach yet. ;) But one avenue to teaching about AP may be the Master Gardener program. If nothing else perhaps learn how they set up their organization. I know the local County Agent is very involved in the MG program here and I assume it is the same across the nation. Maybe piggy backing on to an organization that is already well know and established would be a more viable way to start the AP revolution. Just a thought.

05-09-2011, 01:01 PM
This is a very interesting proposition. When I started in AP I looked far and wide for an "expert". I found lots of articles and case studies but this site and the folks who contribute hear actually helped the most. So as far as I'm concerned you are the authority.. :D So since I started my AP system I have been visited and questioned multiple times about how and why AP. Even got invited to speak at a Master Gardener program. I turned them down because I don't think I have the qualifications to teach yet. ;) But one avenue to teaching about AP may be the Master Gardener program. If nothing else perhaps learn how they set up their organization. I know the local County Agent is very involved in the MG program here and I assume it is the same across the nation. Maybe piggy backing on to an organization that is already well know and established would be a more viable way to start the AP revolution. Just a thought.

I would like to offer some clarification on the Master Gardner program, shortcomings in your area, and general discussion about the program nationwide.

The program is sponsored in each state by the land grant university, money that has been provided to 1 state university from the federal government for many decades now (I forget how far back this goes, but far). In order to have a Master Gardener presence in your county, the county extension office must adopt the program; therefore, you will always see the strong relationship between the Master Gardeners and the county extension office. Most have 1 agent in the extension office in charge of the program, and they typically have their salary paid by the university (and indirectly the federal government).

As far as the qualifications, I'm not completely sure what you mean. The MGs I work with come from a diverse background, but I can say without question the vast majority of these folks are professionals with a lot of experience, education, and wisdom. They are intellectuals, academics, and above all good teachers who are more than "qualified" to learn, master, and disseminate information. In general, I have concluded that most MG programs do not offer training to their faculty (the master gardeners) on aquaponics. Please understand, the MGs are there to serve the community at large. If everyone in a given county had an interest in Aquaponics, then your MGs would definitely have training, if not extensively, in aquaponics. The 2 issues are 1) there isn't a demand to be met by MGs helping in aquaponics and 2) there is a lack of genuine research and information to provide training. MGs are ONLY supposed to disseminate information that is provided by the university they represent. For example, I CANNOT MAKE ANY STATEMENT OR DISSEMINATE INFORMATION AS A MASTER GARDENER THAT DOES NOT REPRESENT THE UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA. In the case of Florida MGs, the vast majority of our information can be found: http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/

I have been given permission to use any information adopted in some way by the University of Florida with regards to aquaponics because there is SO LITTLE information out there.

NOW, with that said, I think you can see that not every MG program is created equal because they are exactly educated in subjects to meet the demands of their local communities. DID YOU KNOW THAT: There are Master Gardeners in Hawai'i that are TRAINED THOROUGHLY IN AQUAPONICS? YA, COOL RIGHT? As far as I know, this is the only program I have found that has adopted training for aquaponics, but I'm sure you can quickly realize there is a high demand for aquaponic gardening in Hawai'i; therefore, why this exists.

If you have any other questions, please let me know.

On a side note, I am trying to raise awareness of aquaponics in MY local community as a Master Gardener. I will begin giving free lectures to the public starting in June, which I hope will have plenty of visitors after my 30 minute TV spot where I will go over aquaponics and try to sell it to the public. Of course I am selling a concept and not a product. Master Gardeners work for free and because they have a passion for helping people. We all have to go through rigorous education and testing before we can become certified. The process takes a year, and we must meet continuing education requirements to stay active as MGs.

05-09-2011, 02:41 PM
I did not know how the Master Gardner program works only that I think it is a good one. Thanks for the back ground. I have several friends that are Master Gardners and when they saw what I was doing with AP they became quite interested in it. Maybe I will have a visit with my county agent and see if he is interested in including AP in his Master Gardner program. At least I can get started spreading the word in my county.

On a side note, I am involved in the Texas Irrigation Expo here in the Rio Grande Valley. We promote water conservation in agriculture and host a show once a year. (You can Google it for more information.) This year we would like to include information about conservation to home owners. I thought AP would be a great topic since it's reuse of water is one of the most water conserving methods I know of. The problem is finding someone that we could bring in to talk to homeowners and commercial growers about the benefits of AP. Do you know of anyone that may be qualified to speak on the subject? I realize there is more to it than just conserving water. The commercial guys need to make a living and the homeowner wants to eat good food at a reasonable price. (funny how it all comes down to money, huh). I figure the best way to get information out about any subject is to start talking about it. Any thoughts?

05-09-2011, 03:49 PM
I don't know anyone in Texas that would be able to do that. I'm sure you can get someone if you have a budget, but I would ask the county extension agent if he/she knows anyone. Sometimes, they can even get people from the university.

02-25-2013, 12:00 PM
So what's the latest on this project? I see above that Urban Farmer's post (last in line) was just about two years ago - any progress yet?

02-25-2013, 10:59 PM
So what's the latest on this project? I see above that Urban Farmer's post (last in line) was just about two years ago - any progress yet?
I too am interested in this project. As of now I am just a small scale backyarder... But I am in the design stage of building a 1600 sqft greenhouse AP system for commercial reasons. I have gotten my design sketched up and now working on the paperwork (business plan) to get investors interested. Whether the commercial dream happens or not, I would still be interested in spreading the word about AP.

Oh, just a thought about commercial AP'ers and sharing "trade secrets". Perhaps they are concerned about creating competition in their own neighborhood. I too think, if AP is how I am making a living, do I really want to train my neighbors to compete against me? Sure, train someone out of my county, or state, but to train my neighbors to be competitors. Makes a business person cringe.

But, my love for AP and love for my neighbor, I can't help but share what I learn when it comes to AP. Also, if you do create a little competition, it might be in your favor... the more people promoting AP, the more the market grows, and the more likelihood your items will sell, and at a higher price (when people find out that it is Organic, Sustainable, Renewable, Green, 100% Natural, Pesticide, fungicide, and herbicide free, etc.).

AP is such a wonderful concept, I kick myself for not thinking/finding out about it sooner. I am not one for large group discussions (tried the "visualize everyone in their underwear" trick, but that didn't help). Although, I love to share what I know one on one with people. If I can help in anyway, just let me know.