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View Full Version : Miniature Apartment Installation

04-25-2011, 08:45 PM
Hey Aquaponicers.

I've been doing my best to find answers in the forum and I've learned a lot in the process, but I think I've arrived at the point where input from experienced users is what I need.

I'd like to convert a 10 gallon FT (http://bit.ly/hCdjNf) into a miniature aquaponics system. I have no ambitions (or delusions) of having this system produce fish for consumption but I thought it would be a great opportunity to try my hand at aquaponics and maybe get some sweet vegetables out of the experience.

I'm located in central Illinois and plan on keeping this system near a window indoors.

So, my questions begin:
Can a 10 gallon FT be used to support GBs that are of proportionately small size?[/*:m:3nztx7a4] How important is it to maintain a clutter-free FT? (How close could I get to this (http://bit.ly/ewGATj) without compromising the integrity of the system?[/*:m:3nztx7a4] In a similar vein, could I stock my FT with an assortment of critters? As I'm planning on placing the system in a central area of the apartment, it would be nice if I could make it aesthetically pleasing.[/*:m:3nztx7a4]

Thanks in advance!

04-25-2011, 11:16 PM
Can a 10 gallon FT be used to support GBs that are of proportionately small size?

Absolutely! I built such a system as my first aquaponic system. I am currently building such a system to demonstrate on TV for folks at home. I plan to make it pretty to help "sell" aquaponics even though I'm not selling anything! :lol:

How important is it to maintain a clutter-free FT? (How close could I get to this (http://bit.ly/ewGATj) without compromising the integrity of the system?

You don't really need to keep it clutter free, but you can if you want to. The fish, bacteria, nor plants care what the fish tank looks like.

In a similar vein, could I stock my FT with an assortment of critters?

Yes. Of course, follow the normal wisdom associated with mixing different species of critters. As far as the plants and bacteria, poop is poop and pee is pee.

04-27-2011, 06:33 PM
Awesome :mrgreen:

Thanks a lot for the reply Urban - I'll get pictures up if this ends up materializing.

04-27-2011, 07:28 PM
Awesome :mrgreen:

Thanks a lot for the reply Urban - I'll get pictures up if this ends up materializing.
You are very welcome :mrgreen:

04-28-2011, 10:45 PM
i use a ten gallon it is working great :D good luck :)

05-04-2011, 06:43 PM
I'm having a bit of trouble getting started on the ten gallon system - as in, I don't know where to start.

You don't have to go into the merits of a certain grow medium or any of the "no right answer" topics, but could the two of you give me some more detail on your 10 gallon systems and how you have them set up?

Pump type? What did you use for GBs? What's the best way to attach the tubing to a glass tank?

Thanks a bunch.

05-04-2011, 08:29 PM
I'm having a bit of trouble getting started on the ten gallon system - as in, I don't know where to start.

You don't have to go into the merits of a certain grow medium or any of the "no right answer" topics, but could the two of you give me some more detail on your 10 gallon systems and how you have them set up?
I am actually setting up 3 of these. 1 for the show this month, 1 for my tilapia fingerlings, and 1 for a friend.

The 1 for the show is made of plastic tubs. A tub for the plants sits on top of the other tub with the fish. The fish tank/tub has fish and 1 pump to bring the water up to the grow bed. The grow bed has hydroton (or gravelite or something lightweight) and a bell siphon to allow flood/drain action. That's about it, very simple type of setup.

Pump type? What did you use for GBs? What's the best way to attach the tubing to a glass tank?

Thanks a bunch.
I am still working on the exact pump to use because I am being cheap. It costs he same for a few hundred gallons per hour as it does for the super tiny pumps and in some cases the smaller pumps cost more! HOW?!? Anyway, the pump needs to match your siphon tube size and drainage. The first time I had a 10 gallon I had a pump that could control the flow rate. This did an OKAY job. I didn't attach anything to the glass for my first system I just had vinyl tubing running wild, but in this setup I plan to run rigid PVC pipe through the bottom of the grow bed and directly into the pump. I have found a few pumps that match the 1/2" and 3/4" NPT threading. That makes it EASY!!! :mrgreen:

Also, the siphon would sometimes clog, but I found jabbing a stick up the pipe would clear it purdy good. I think this time around I will make a simple hose-type adapter that fits to the pump and bottom of the siphon to do a reverse-flushing-cleaning-type thing to clear debris out.

05-04-2011, 08:42 PM
I use a 50gph pump to pump the water to a plastic storage container which is like 1 gallon. I have 10 full grow guppies 40fry to juvenile (sold 20 on Monday for $0.25 apiece) and I just used fish tank gravel that was laying around

05-04-2011, 08:43 PM
Under "bedroomponics finally underway" I have pics of my system posted

05-04-2011, 08:57 PM
OH, I just noticed your tank was hyperlinked. YES! That is exactly the same tank I bought, exactly. Go to the area where they have the plastic totes and just fit them on top of there until you find one that matches to your liking. Make sure it will support the weight, but they have some nice ones to choose from.

05-04-2011, 09:06 PM
I have the same tank LOL

05-04-2011, 10:21 PM

05-05-2011, 05:59 PM
Thanks for the back and forth, you two. Very helpful and I'll be sure to update this thread with pictures once I get started (this weekend? next?).

05-05-2011, 08:41 PM
Can't wait to see them :-D good luck:-)