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04-14-2011, 06:02 PM
YES! I have finally hit the big-time fellas!!! I will be featured on TV in a 30 minute spot, and the topic will be.... /drumrolll... AQUAPONICS (ya'll probably guessed that). It should be towards the end of May. I will give you guys an update, but I will be picking your brains on how to make it suitable for newbies and people that know nothing about this. I was warned that the average audience member has a 7th grade vocabulary... I think I can work with that! :lol: I plan to practice in front of a camera and post it on youtube... if possible I would love it if you guys could give me as much feedback as you can on the information, presentation, etc...

I am also writing articles for our publication. My goal is to bring aquaponics and sustainable gardening to the forefront of people's minds in my community as well as information on how to get started and answers to questions for newbies. I may be able to plug the forum in the article, maybe not... but I will start slow and once established I can ask the higher-ups about it.

I have met many interesting people including doctors (both PhD and MD) with professional interests and research (some in my hand that has not been published, oh lucky me) in this area as well as what I am trying to do with medicinal herbs... anyway, lots coming guys, and I really hope to rely on you guys for the support and wisdom I need to help others!!!

04-17-2011, 05:43 AM

04-17-2011, 11:08 AM
Congrats UF and good luck. Is this something local or are you going national? :D

04-17-2011, 02:41 PM
It's local, but hopefully I can raise awareness everywhere in time!

05-19-2011, 11:19 PM
EVERYONE, are there any topics you would like to see? Keep in mind this is to raise interest for people and it has to be simple enough a 10 year old can understand it. I was thinking to have a short section for maybe some advanced topics, but for the most part I plan to demo different hydroponic/aquaponic methods and systems. The idea is to get people to think "hey that's easy, I can do that" and raise awareness. I already got the OK to give a public lecture at the Volusia County ag center. I just have to schedule the date and put it together, get RSVPs, advertise it, etc, etc. OH, if any of you want to come give a 5-10 minute lecture on anything, let me know. You guys are MORE than welcome! It's in DeLand, FL...

05-22-2011, 11:20 AM
Just make sure you:
1. Plug the the forum
2. Make sure they get the idea that there is work involved.
3. Permits may be required.