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View Full Version : Watercress

03-24-2011, 11:25 AM
Watercress Is a member of the Mustard Family. It grows naturally in springs and wet ground in temperate climates. Though easily grown from seed, it is usually propagated by bits of stem which can be gained through purchasing it at the grocery store. It will readily take root in wet soil or a glass of water and need no further attention. It grows best from mid-autumn until spring. If allowed to flower, the leaves become too rank in flavor to be edible.

It is especially easy grown in Aquaponics either in a media or raft system.
Start plants with seed by sowing lightly in pots filled with a mix of garden soil, limestone, and organic compost. Keep moist at all times, keeping the plants in a partially shaded area. Seedlings become large enough to move in April or May.

03-24-2011, 03:37 PM
Got some from grocery store last week. It was organic and with roots. It loves the raft. Also bought some basil cuttings and placed them in the raft. They have rooted.

03-25-2011, 04:32 AM
I've got the stuff growing in one GB. The chooks and fish like it. It does float in the swirl filter but I've not checked on it in a while. :D