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03-07-2011, 08:11 PM
this has been a secret program by the navy for some time. it has been blamed for major earthquakes, weather changes, and the common cold. what do you think it is? :?

03-07-2011, 08:28 PM
If you believe the conspiracy theories about this, I have some tin foil hats for sale...

If it is so secret, why does Wiki have an article on it? Now if you want something really dangerous, check out a secret program code named "whale fart".

Your google search turned up nothing? I rest my case. Sorry, don't ask. I'm sworn to secrecy.

03-07-2011, 08:42 PM
Harp is bad news, It is a powerful tool and like any tool it could be used as a weapon it is also used to monitor the suns effect on the earths magnetism... I'm really into conspiracy stuff, but you have to think, weird volcanic and weather stuff is going on all over the world. And people are watching a government controlled web site of the haarp read out, and when it lines up with stuff like this (about 50% of the time) Everyone is like "Haarp did it". If haarp has doing it, it would not be boardcasted for the world to see. I watch haarp and solar weather and I don't see much of a line up. The mayans said the flood could come from the mouth of a "Cosmic Snake". Did anyone hear about us drifting into zodiac sign Ophiuchus, "the serpent barer". I Honestly think it getting so much coverage in the main steam conspiracy circles is disinformation vs pole shift/plant x.

03-07-2011, 10:52 PM
i have no opinion on it.

whale fart :mrgreen:

03-08-2011, 06:55 AM
yeah, we need more fracking becuase, 1, everyone knows the government is to blame for the earthquakes, not some stupid scientific study that concludes the 2 are related, and 2, everyone knows the government is out to destroy the country/world, and the corporations have our best interest at heart!

03-20-2011, 07:28 AM
this has been a secret program by the navy for some time. it has been blamed for major earthquakes, weather changes, and the common cold. what do you think it is? :?

I may have been wrong about HAARP..

03-20-2011, 10:07 AM
as "out of the know" civilians with everything going on in the world we are bombarded with negative information, conspiracies, unfortunately so much of it turns out at a later date to be true.
i remember while stationed in Vietnam watching stars and stripes on TV as we watched lie after lie being told to us. i'm sorry i have little if any trust in the government and what it tells us.
i threw out the HAARP in the sump to hear the responses.
no i have no intention of leaving my country, nor do i want to dwell on conspiracies.
you all have a good day.

with all of the suffering in Japan, it certainly isn't the time to joke about the whale fart conspiracy. all to easy, but certainly in bad taste. God bless those poor folks.

03-20-2011, 07:45 PM
I think you need to worry more about the government move to seed erectile disfunction though beer additives. Viagra won't counter the effects...

Whale Fart was the code name for the operation I was involved in. Sorry if you were offended. It happened 30 years ago and has nothing to do with th earthquake, just like HAARP.

03-20-2011, 07:57 PM
i wasn't offended at all. i thought whale fart was a joke. i was connecting the mass killing of whales by the japanese and the earthquake was caused by the whale farts as their getting back at japan. that is why i mentioned bad taste, i was referring to my own responses.
i was in marine biology in college to save the whales, even then i would never wish anything like what happened to those folks.

i certainly do not believe that HAARP had anything to do with the ring of fire, now possibly the pull of the super moon might have some effect on the earth's shape.

it is very difficult to communicate sometimes. and if whale fart was an operation you were involved in i'm sure it wasn't a pun.

some of us don't need treated beer. :lol:.
then there was salt peter! :lol: :lol:

03-21-2011, 07:08 PM
No issues. I'd love to talk about whale fart, but I can't. An interesting thing to look at is low frequency radio and sound communications research. That isn't classified.

None of these items poduce enough power for long enough to cause any significant effect. The moon being at it's closest at full moon sure could.

03-21-2011, 08:18 PM
Classified. One more reason to never trust, or pay your government lol.