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View Full Version : SpaceX - Falcon

12-08-2010, 09:06 AM
It was too cold to stand along the Indian river in Titusville or even at the lake front in Saint Cloud, to watch the lift off. I stood in the front yard for a few mins.
I sure hope they are able to recover the capsule.....were getting to see a new twist on the space program :D

Maybe we'll get to tell story's to our grandchildren someday. I remeber my grandfather was actually born before the Wright brother's flew. I rmember some of the storys him and grandma would tell about airplanes....mostly the crashes.
If one would crash, the airlines would try to get there first and paint over the name on the plane...before the news could take a picture.
They never did fly on one.... :roll:

12-08-2010, 05:28 PM
As a kid I watched cowboy shows until one day this thing call Sputnik changed everything in 1957. In the blink of an eye all the shows were Sci-Fi. I was glued to the set for every Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo launch. I stayed up most of the night to watch the moon landing.

Then America got bored with the space program and you couldn't even watch some of the later launches. By the time I got out of the Navy in 1979 the Space Shuttle was being run down by the liberals as a "flying brick" and most of the launches would only be shown taped on the nightly news.

I'd love to see a new generation get excited about space again.

12-09-2010, 01:29 AM
I'd love to see a new generation get excited about space again.
I 2nd that!