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View Full Version : Hello from Southern New Jersey !

12-06-2010, 06:05 PM
Hello all!
I know I'm late in posting a greeting so I decided to make time to introduce myself.

My name is John and I come from the State of New Jersey. I got interested in aquaponics after a few trips to The Land in Walt Disney World. When my wife asked for a greenhouse and a small "fish tank" sized hydoponic setup, I did some research and decided to jump in.

As usual, my projects increase in size as I get more interested. I purchased a 6 x 8 greenhouse from Harbor Freight and decided to try an aquaponics setup using various designs from the internet. I was referred to this site while looking online to purchase Tilapia and liked what I read and decided to join.

So far, my daughter and I have constructed the greenhouse. I've made some modifications for support and weather protection. I am slowing getting the componets together for the actual project. I currently am building an insulated fish tank to suppy the nutrients. I hope to use a large fish tank heater to keep the Tilapia alive during the winter months. The greenhouse will be unheated and not actively growing for three months out of the year so I need to incorporate a filter into the design. I hope to get this part finished soon so I can test the heater and system before purchasing the fish.

I work on the project after work, between kids activites, and after homework is finished. Obviously it is slow going but I'm in no rush. I want to have it up and running by March.

Anyway, Hello to all and I hope to be able to contribute to your online community!

12-07-2010, 03:23 AM
Hello and welcome! And, it's never too late! :D

12-07-2010, 03:27 AM
Hi John.....Tell the family we say...welcome !.... :D

You might want to reconsider tilapia...
The reason I'm even mentioning it....I'm in central FL....we're to hit the freezing mark around 6 or 7am. Toss in a 5 plus mph wind....and my electric meter is spinning faster then a flying saucer in an old sci-fi movie...trying to keep the fish water in the upper 50's :shock:

Just a thought....maybe you could 'over-winter' a few breeders inside. Or, purchase some small fry/fingerlings late in the summer, keeping them inside durring the winter....grow them out and harvest the following fall.

Channel cats grow pretty fast....maybe some sunfish or even trout ?

Maybe a few of the members, 'up north' can give you some suggestions...share their experiances (?)

12-07-2010, 05:20 AM
If you can keep the water above 70F you can keep tilapia. If you can get the water close to 80F they will grow. Consider a waste veggie oil burner to heat the greenhouse & water.

For simplicity though, there are lots of cold water species that work.

12-07-2010, 04:12 PM
Welcome to the show....pull up an easy chair, relax and stay awhile. New voices are always a welcome addition to our family..! Whatever questions you have on you mind, this is the place to get the answers so pick a topic of your interest and start your own thread and Enjoy. :mrgreen:

Big Al
12-07-2010, 05:11 PM
hi JohnW, welcome to the forum good luck with your setup. best wishes Big Al