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View Full Version : Floating Filters - Any Ideas?

11-10-2010, 02:35 PM
Winter in Virginia is coming quickly and I am trying to design an aquaponic filter system for a 10' x 3' tank housed in unheated/uninsulated fish shed. The goal is to create a mechanism that serves as a biofilter AND a cleaning filter while insulating the water input and output conduits thus preventing a freeze up. I have an idea for using Styrofoam layers and a submersible sump-pump; however, if anyone knows of a ready-made system, it may be worth my time and money to purchase that instead of starting another project. Thoughts?

11-10-2010, 04:52 PM
If you are looking for ready-made you came to the wrong place ;-)
This is DIY Aquaponics, not off-the-shelf Aquaponics.

Seriously though, if you keep the water running, it won't freeze, but lose power and you'll have issues.

11-11-2010, 04:02 AM
I've been giving a little thought to a floating filter. Something that collects solids while working as an ABF. If your air pump was taking air from inside it may help put a small amount of heat into the water.

11-11-2010, 10:40 PM
It will cost you drastically more to buy a ready-made anything than building it yourself. However, if you are trying to save the trouble for whatever reason, try eBay or craig's list. Some people even sell their DIY made projects for cheaper than the mass produced items, but who knows about the quality of the items; so, shop carefully and ask a lot of questions!

11-19-2010, 04:46 AM
Thank you for the replies, I apologize for not getting back sooner. I've completed a design for construction this weekend. badflash - the filter includes a sump pump that I purchased, hope that doesn't disqualify the effort from the DIY status. Also, full disclosure, I used seedling Styros to make Styrofoam, thought about starting from seed but didn't have time to make the plant lights ;) We'll see how this contraption works.


11-19-2010, 04:53 AM
Dufflight, thank you, I didn't consider warming the air, Hmmmmm, that one requires some thought if I don't introduce a powered heat source.

11-19-2010, 05:17 AM

Thank you. I agree, OTS is more expensive. Sometimes I have to make a trade off, time for money. Sometimes too, I have to buy something that works when my money saving ideas fail. Sometimes though, my ideas work well enough.


11-19-2010, 10:13 AM

Thank you. I agree, OTS is more expensive. Sometimes I have to make a trade off, time for money. Sometimes too, I have to buy something that works when my money saving ideas fail. Sometimes though, my ideas work well enough.


Well, the way I look at it when something fails is that that small amount of money could have been spent elsewhere to entertain myself. Often times, I have more fun with DIY projects than spending money on say... one expensive dinner. I have a filter I tried to make out of PVC for the girls' turtle tank. I could fix it up to work because it does almost work great, but because I didn't take the time (like I normally do) and plan it out, well... it leaks in weird places. ANYWAY, have fun with it and don't rush it. This hobby isn't THAT expensive and does offer a return on investment... eventually! :lol: