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08-25-2010, 09:10 PM

Just a few updates since my last post here: Hello Everyone! (http://www.diyaquaponics.com/forum/showthread.php?348-Hello-Everyone!)
Davidstcldfl suggested I start a new post in here.

This coming Saturday will be two weeks since our fish tank has cycled and we added a batch of 20 yellow perch. One died the following day and another one a couple of days after that. However, the remaining 18 are holding steady. Some of these fish are considerably larger than those I purchased two or three months ago from the same group at the fish farm. The first group I purchased were 4 to 6 inch but these are at least 6 to 8 inch or better. That leads me to believe/hope that they will grow out from here at an acceptable rate.

Ammonia and nitrite levels are at or near zero but the nitrate levels are 100 plus. Ph level has been pretty steady at around 6.8 to 7.2 or so. I have not really had to mess with it too much lately. I used some hydroponic ph down that I had left over to get it down to current levels. That was before I added the fish.

As of right now we have a 4’x4’ area seeded out with a variety of lettuce types and one spinach plant. We also rooted some geranium cuttings. They took about 3 weeks to root. Since our nitrate readings have been high I am going to seed the other half of the grow bed this weekend. I think I will start the other half with all lettuce to try to get the nitrates down sooner and then try some other veggies later. Once I get the grow bed in full production that will tell me how many more fish, if any, I can add.

I have been feeding the fish minnows, as I lost patience with trying to get them to eat the dry food. The first week they went through 50 minnows, but yesterday I added 50 more and today there are maybe half a dozen left. Ouch! That’s 6 bucks a pop for 50 minnows. I don’t mind buying them for now but I will definitely have to either raise my own feeder fish or try to get them to eat the dry food again. Should have stuck with the dry food. That’s what they feed them at the fish farm.

Anyway, here are some pics and a video I recorded a few days ago. I’ll post a more recent video soon.

Sorry about the image and video quality (iphone). I hope to get a better camera soon (maybe).










Big Al
08-26-2010, 04:19 AM
hi pniedzwiecki, looking good so far. yes try to get them to eat the dry foood again much cheaper in the long run. what size food pellets are you trying to feed them and what kind, my perch love silvercup i feed 2x a day they love the stuff. well good luck later Big Al

08-26-2010, 05:44 PM
Thanks for the comments Big Al.

I’m not sure what brand name the dry feed is. They gave me a large zip lock bag at the fish farm when I bought my first group of fish a few months ago. He told me the name but I don’t remember right now. I will have to give them a call tomorrow to find out. He said it’s what they are feeding. The pellets are about 1/8” diameter. Of course they swell up somewhat after they have been in the water for a while. Since these fish are a little more mature I don’t think the pellets are too big for them anymore.

Anyway, I noticed that we have a lot of lettuce seeds sprouting as of today. All the net pots that look vacant in the video below have at least one sprout but most have 2. So far that will be the most productive we have been. I have a request for more geranium cuttings. I am thinking maybe a dozen or so. This time they are all red flowers.

Here is a video I shot today:


Big Al
08-26-2010, 06:41 PM
hi pniedzwiecki, try putting some pellets into a food processor and make a powder mix it with some of the pellets to see if they will start to eat it perch can be pretty stubburn. so good luck hope it works for you. later Big Al

Big Al
09-10-2010, 05:25 AM
hi pniedzwiecki, i was wondering if you got your perch to eat the pellet food or not. just wondering thanks Big Al

09-11-2010, 01:13 PM
Hello Everyone,

Just a little update.

hi pniedzwiecki, i was wondering if you got your perch to eat the pellet food or not. just wondering thanks Big Al

Yes, they are finally eating the dry food. At this point I am not exactly sure how many of them are eating the dry food. I have witnessed, on a couple of occasions over the last few days, one or more fish coming to the top and grabbing some food. It is definitely not a feeding frenzy but it is progress.

Almost every time there are some leftover uneaten pellets floating in the tank after they have been feed.

hi pniedzwiecki, looking good so far. yes try to get them to eat the dry foood again much cheaper in the long run. what size food pellets are you trying to feed them and what kind, my perch love silvercup i feed 2x a day they love the stuff. well good luck later Big Al

I am using the Silvercup (I called to verify) brand of fish food that they gave me at the fish farm to get me started. The pellet size is approx. 1/8 inch. He said that they do not sell the smaller 1/8 inch variety to the public but they sell the larger ¼ inch food. I had no idea it came in different sizes. Anyway, I think I will try some of the larger size pellets in a week or two. I will have to contact the fish farm again to see if they are feeding the larger pellets to the perch they still have. If they are then I should be able to do the same as my fish are from the same group and should be relatively close to the same size.

OOPS! A couple of weeks ago I suddenly realized that the water that I was using was being softened from our water softener. I thought I had tapped into a water pipe that bypassed the softener but it turns out that none of the pipes bypass the softener. Although it took awhile, the salt buildup around the edges of the tank and on the edges of the Styrofoam was the clue. Not sure why but at first I just could not figure out where the salt could be coming from. Then it dawned on me.

So far the fish seem fine and in fact I believe they may have even benefitted somewhat from the salt. A few days after I put the fish in the tank they started to get a fungus (I think) around their mouths and on their tail fins. I no longer see any sign if any of that on any of the fish. I wonder if the salt helped to clear that up.

While the fish do not seem to be affected by the salt, I think the plants do not like it. Several of our lettuce seedlings completely dried up before they could even get started. The salt buildup caused the tiny stalk to dry up. At the moment I am not sure if the salt is having any negative effects on the growth of the mature plants or not.

I have since stopped using that tap as a source. I am now getting water from a faucet that is near the well pump and before the water softener. I made a diy water filter out of a 5 gallon bucket and some foam pieces to help clarify the water. So far the filter seems to be working out just fine. I will post some pics of the filter later if anyone is interested.

Since the fish are not harmed by the salt so far, and we still have moderate lettuce growth I decided not to carry out a large water change. I figure the salt that is present in the system will eventually evaporate out.

Here is a video update:



09-11-2010, 01:18 PM
Forgot to mention that the spinach plant did not make it. Kinda strange. It seemed to be doing just fine and then it just dried up.

Maybe the salt buildup became too toxic for it.

09-12-2010, 04:56 PM
Just wanted to mention, that salt is left behind when water evaporates. It won't evaporate out, if you decide that you want to remove it, water changes will be needed. Personally, I would bet that the salt went along way in helping the fish recover from the bacterial infection. Might have been good luck that you used the softened water? I don't know much about water softeners, but have always heard that they don't mix well with fish tanks.

09-13-2010, 08:41 PM

Thanks for your comments.

I believe you are correct. However when the salt water evaporates off of hard surfaces (the hydroton, the tank edges, the foam, etc.) the salt is deposited and can be wiped away or removed. So that's how I have been removing the salt from the system. Wherever I see it I rinse it off or wipe it off with a damp sponge. I guess I should have been more clear.

Its been about two weeks since I stopped adding the saltwater and started wiping and rinsing away the buildup and I can already see a difference. My thoughts are that since the plants are still growing and the fish are looking healthy, then slowly removing the salt or at least removing the bulk of it should be ok.

I'm not completely against large water changes, its just that I don't really like the idea of wasting too much water. If I have to then I will I guess. I don't think its necessary yet. We'll see.


09-20-2010, 07:23 PM

Just another update. The pics below are from yesterday and today. This will be the largest harvest of lettuce to date. We are gonna have to give some if this away (already have takers, sorry).

The fish are doing fine and have taken to the dry food quite well. The nitrates seem to be slowly coming down somewhat. I found that the ph started to creep upwards on me over the last couple of weeks so I have been adding small amounts of hydrochloric acid to keep the ph at around 6.5 to 7.0.

I estimate that I have been adding about 2 to 4 gallons of water (average) to the system every day. I think most of that is due to evaporation.

A few more of the flowers in the system have rooted and will be removed in the next couple of days making room for MORE LETTUCE!

The pictures:

A big batch cut yesterday:


Befor the lettuce cutting today


Two big bowls cut today:


Bibb lettuce:


After the harvest:


Looks like everyone is gonna get lettuce for Christmas.

09-20-2010, 07:35 PM
:mrgreen: Nice! We are giving out pesto for Christmas this year.

Big Al
09-21-2010, 05:16 AM
very nice look's great. Big Al

09-21-2010, 10:28 PM
Looks good, thanx for the pix!

09-27-2010, 08:54 PM

Thanks for the comments everyone.

Yesterday we added 22 more fish to the system (total of 40). The fish farm really couldn’t say how much longer they would have the remaining fish so I decided to go ahead and get some while I could. So far, after just over 24 hours, the ammonia and nitrites have not gone up much, if at all. The nitrates are still high but I only have just over one third of the grow bed planted with vegetables. Although we have many flowers still in the system, I don’t think they require as many nutrients as vegetables (I may be wrong about that).

Most of the fish we just added are considerably larger than the 18 that we had already in the tank. At the fish farm they feed them twice a day and they are feeding larger pellets. Right now I am only feeding once a day with smaller pellets. Once I use up the little bit I have left of the smaller pellet food I will get a bag of the larger food. By then I should be on a twice a day feed schedule with the help of some kind of automatic fish feeder.

The lettuce seems to be growing better lately. Maybe the system is maturing somewhat. I also noticed that the plants are responding rapidly after cuttings. Several months ago, it was taking two to three days (sometimes longer) before the cut lettuce plants showed any signs of re-growth. But lately it has only taken one day to see a noticeable difference. Either the system is performing better or we just happen to have a group of plants that are genetically superior to the earlier plants.

I purchased an air pump for the grow bed that I need to find time to install. Hopefully that will help some. I also need to do some plumbing from the filter outlet to the grow bed. The hose is just kind of hanging there and is an accident waiting to happen. Also some kind of shaded cover for the fish tank may be in order.

Anyway, here is a video of the system to date:


10-28-2010, 09:36 PM
Hello everyone,

It’s been a while since I’ve posted last, but I have a little story to tell.

Last night I came home from work only to find that the power had been knocked out by the very high winds. Apparently it had been out for several hours prior. Needless to say I was very surprised when I saw this:


:o Almost all the water (all but 1”) siphoned back through the filter, and in the process, flushed all the debris in the filter back into the fish tank, over the top of the fish tank and on to the floor. Approximately 200 gallons of water. The water in the fish tank was really dirty at that point.

It took about 6 frantic hours to get everything back to as close to normal as possible. After that I made sure that the filter outlet hose was secured in a way that would prevent the siphoning action from ever happening again. The hose end is about 1 inch above the surface of the water in the grow bed. I still do not have any battery backup for the water pump or the air pump, but at least the above disaster will not happen again.

The fish seem to be ok after one day. They seemed to be as hungry as ever when I fed them today. I’m not too worried about the plants as it probably will not even have any noticeable effect on them. The ammonia level currently reads somewhere between .5 and 1. I have not tested the nitrite level yet but the nitrate level has not changed (somewhere between 10 and 30 for several weeks now).

I’m a little worried right now but everything should be back to normal in a day or two.

We’ve had all the fresh lettuce we could eat for about 2 months now. We have even given quite a bit of it away. Our production peaked a couple of weeks ago and then slowed dramatically. I’d say that 80% of the seeds that I have been planting lately will not sprout. Of those that do sprout, most die after a week or two of slow growth. The problem, I think, is that sometimes the seeds are too deep and stay too wet, and sometimes I put them too shallow and they never even get moist. I have to come up with a different approach for seed starting, I think.

Anyway, a couple more pics that I took last night after the timer turned the grow lights off:



That one lettuce plant is 23” tall! That’s a first for us. I am wondering if this is fairly common or not. The overall health and growth rate of the plants has increased noticeably over the past 4 or 5 days. Prior to that, everything seemed to be in some king of slump for several weeks. Plenty of lettuce though, even during the slump.

A video I made a few days ago before the storm:



10-29-2010, 03:23 AM
Hey pniedzwiecki, Sorry to hear about your miss-hap. Sounds like it was a real mess... :(

Just wondering.....Are you starting the seeds right in the net pots while they are in the floating rafts ? How thick are your rafts ?

I've been experimenting, trying to get my lettuce seeds to start well. I was drowning my seeds when I put them in the horti-cubes and put them into the floating rafts.
I now have the cubes sitting in plastic tubs....I top water/sprinkle them till they've sprouted.( twice a day seems to be good)
After a several days, I just pour a little water in the tub, so the cubes can soak up the water. After a few weeks (?)...once I can see some roots coming out of the cubes, then I put them in my slit pots and into the floating rafts.

Once they sprout, I add a 'little' maxi-crop w/ iron to the water. The horti-cubes provide no nutes. This seemed to help.

I'm using 2" thick rafts. The bottom of the 2" slit pot 'justs' touches the water. Plus, I'm hoping, the 2" styro will be more durable in the long run.

Keep us posted... :D

Big Al
10-29-2010, 05:01 AM
hi pniedzwiecki, sorry to here about your luck but those winds were pretty strong here
50+ mph gust. you were closer to the storm center they were probably alot worse. did
you get any snow. glad to see all is better now. nice setup you have.good luck Big Al

11-11-2010, 10:53 PM
Hello everyone,

I think it’s safe to say we have fully recovered from the “incident”. The fish are doing fine and the few plants that we have growing are doing fine as well.

We also recently started using a slightly larger pellet food (Silver Cup 4.5). Still only feeding once a day but it’s pretty much a feeding frenzy now. I think they like it.

So far so good.

Hey pniedzwiecki, Sorry to hear about your miss-hap. Sounds like it was a real mess... :(

Just wondering.....Are you starting the seeds right in the net pots while they are in the floating rafts ? How thick are your rafts ?

Thanks man. At first I was having really good luck with dropping the seeds right into the hydroton in the net pots. However, lately the seeds are either too wet or too dry and just not sprouting. The foam board is 2” thick and pretty sturdy. I have a few ideas that I am going to try as soon as I get a chance. I will keep you guys posted.

hi pniedzwiecki, sorry to here about your luck but those winds were pretty strong here
50+ mph gust. you were closer to the storm center they were probably alot worse. did
you get any snow. glad to see all is better now. nice setup you have.good luck Big Al

Yes, the wind here was incredible. Absolutely amazing. I don’t think I have ever experienced wind like that, even during hurricane season while living in Florida for 15 years.

Anyways, a video and some pics:







Big Al
11-12-2010, 06:52 AM
hi pniedzwiecki, that's a nice big salad you got there. it look's great. very nice. Big Al

01-16-2011, 02:16 PM

Finally able to find some time to post some updates. Been pretty busy.

The fish are now a little over one week past a 4 to 6 week long hunger strike. Somehow I managed to lower the ph too much (below 5 from a normal 6.5 to 7) without realizing it. It couldn’t of been that low for too long, but when I then realized it was low, I adjusted it back up to normal (and probably too quickly). I am convinced the sudden ph up and down is the cause of the hunger strike. They just would not eat. I would try to feed them every few days but I would end up having to scoop out all the uneaten food. As you can imagine, they did get quite thin. Many times during this period I very nearly scooped them all out and fried them up. Good thing I didn’t.

Anyway, everything is back to normal and they are eating as much as ever and pretty aggressively and they are starting to fatten up again.

I have been experimenting with the horti-cubes and they seem to be performing quite well. We’ve had a group of 9 or so plants from start to finish in the horti-cubes and they did well. I started the seeds in the horti-cubes right in the grow bed. In my system the trick is to place the horti-cubes in the hydroton so that the bottom of the horti-cubes just barely touch the surface of the water in the net pots then I just pour in additional hydroton around the horti-cube for support. The hydroton surrounding the horti-cube also absorbs excess moisture from the horti-cubes. Based on my observations I believe the horti-cubes also promote a healthier root system. The roots seemed to be thicker and just overall looked healthier to me. I think I will stick with the horti-cubes (even with the additional cost) instead of trying to seed right into the hydroton.

Here are a few vids and pics:


The above video was taken towards the end of the hunger strike. It may be hard to tell but they look quite thin.


This video was taken yesterday. They have been eating good for a little over a week now.

Harvested 12-28-10.

Bagged from 12-28-10 harvest.

Before the 1-3-11 harvest.

After the 1-3-11 harvest.

Harvested 1-3-11.

Bagged from 1-3-11 harvest.

We will most likely have another 3 or 4 bags in the next day or so. Eating salad every day..... and I like it.


02-06-2011, 08:12 AM
Hey pniedzwiecki,

I have been waiting patiently for my Christmas wrapped box of lettuce to come UPS but noting yet. I've about decided you kept it all for yourself. Give us an update on you and your system. It was doing great last Sept, how 'bout now? :mrgreen:

02-06-2011, 10:51 AM

02-23-2011, 08:29 PM
Hello Everyone,

Y’all thought I was dead? I’m not dead. Just kinda busy.

Hey pniedzwiecki,

I have been waiting patiently for my Christmas wrapped box of lettuce to come UPS but noting yet. I've about decided you kept it all for yourself. Give us an update on you and your system. It was doing great last Sept, how 'bout now? :mrgreen:

JCO, you should check with you mail carrier. If they look like they are eating healthier and have lost some weight, that’s probably where the lettuce went. If not, then I probably didn’t send you any (since you haven’t posted your exact address and phone number and social security number and credit card number, etc.) :mrgreen: and kept it all for myself. I’TS ALL MINE! MINE! :twisted:

As far as the system is concerned, we have had an uninterrupted steady supply of very good lettuce :) , however, I am afraid that the fish may not be doing so well :( . We haven’t lost any more (still at 38 perch), but I have observed one fish that has one of it’s eyes clouded over and the rest of the fish seem to have “pop eye”. Their eyes are bulging out noticeably. Other than the pop eye, they look perfectly healthy and are swimming around seemingly normal. The water temperature has been a steady 73 degrees (f), ammonia and nitrite levels at 0, nitrate level has been steadily climbing (my fault) to an ultimately unacceptably high level. The ph has been in the range of 6.5 to 7.3.

This past weekend I did a 50% (150g) water change and another 100g last night. Prior to the water change, the nitrates were getting quite high, as I have not been re-seeding enough to keep the plant production up. I am finding that after the water changes, the ph wants to remain around 7.5 (or slightly higher). I cannot seem to get it to stabilize at a lower level. I used the same well water source for the water changes as I have in the past. The nitrates are at a more manageable level now and I have seeded out half of the growbed (a few days ago) and will seed the other half in a few more days, which will help with the nitrates.

For several days now, the fish have no appetite, again. Instead of dumping dry feed in every other day to see if they eat, only to scoop it all out a few minutes later, I think I will splurge on a 100 or so minnows. Much cleaner for the tank and the fish can snack when they are ready. I am thinking that will help me gauge their appetite. If they survive the pop eye and eat all the minnows then I will pick back up with the dry feed again.

This setup is turning out to be a lot of work. Some days I spend several hours just doing routine maintenance. But there are days when all that’s required is feeding the fish. If I lose this batch of fish, I’m not sure if I will give this setup another chance. Probably go back to hydroponics for a little while until I can come up with a better setup. Time will tell.

Anyway, a few pics:

This photo shows the fish with the cloudy eye. He/she is just below and to the right of the center of the photo. As of yesterday, it did not appear to be getting better or worse and I did not observe any other fish with these symptoms. I am thinking I may just get him out of there and fry him up.

This photo was taken today. That’s romaine lettuce at about 4 weeks.

This photo was taken a few weeks ago after the final harvest of some leaf lettuce. I wanted to see how many cuttings I could get from a plant, so I just let them grow. After the final cutting of this one plant I found this strange looking stalk.
Anyway, I was able to get 6 pretty descent cuttings from a group of 5 plants. At that point they were only inches away from the lights and started to go to seed. One problem with the experiment though. The root mass was so large I was barely able to pull the plants up through the 3” holes in the Styrofoam. Actually, I found out later that large bunches of roots had broken off in the process and had started to decay in the grow bed. It turned out to be a bit of a mess in there.


02-24-2011, 05:59 AM
Hey, Glad to see you are still kickin' Keep on Keepin' on and it will all work out. :mrgreen:

08-07-2011, 12:53 PM
Nice Setup man,

Do you think you would have less work with a media filled Growbed? What seems to be the majority of the work?

I am looking to setup a similar size system in my basement, what would you do differently?

Do you like the wood GB with the liner as compared to say a couple of the 50 gallon stock tanks?
