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View Full Version : Senate Bill S510 Makes Homegrown Food illegal

08-13-2010, 11:30 AM
Senate Bill S510 Makes it illegal to Grow, Share, Trade or Sell Homegrown Food

S 510, the Food Safety Modernization Act of 2010, may be the most dangerous bill in the history of the US. It is to our food what the bailout was to our economy, only we can live without money.
“If accepted [S 510] would preclude the public’s right to grow, own, trade, transport, share, feed and eat each and every food that nature makes. It will become the most offensive authority against the cultivation, trade and consumption of food and agricultural products of one’s choice. It will be unconstitutional and contrary to natural law or, if you like, the will of God.”~Dr. Shiv Chopra, Canada Health whistleblower
It is similar to what India faced with imposition of the salt tax during British rule, only S 510 extends control over all food in the US, violating the fundamental human right to food.

More Here Clik ;) (http://www.topix.com/forum/city/paintsville-ky/TU04QDO2GRRBGG3DT)

See the bill Clik ;) (http://www.govtrack.us/congress/bill.xpd?bill=s111-510)

Natural Solutions Foundation Clik ;) (http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/o/568/p/dia/action/public/?action_KEY=4252)

This topic is up for discussion ..... Please feel free to ask your senator if he/she supports this bill! If you have more links to this story, please post them.

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Do not post an entire story, that is plagiarism and could subject the owner(s) of this site to legal problems -- but you are allowed by law to post a "teaser" (small portion, maybe a paragraph or two) and then link to the story using the URL button. Thanks

08-13-2010, 12:47 PM
Here's a list of those organizations in favor and those opposed plus a link to a question and answer page that is enlightening.


American Frozen Food Institute
Grocery Manufacturers Association
National Fisheries Institute
United Fresh Produce Association
National Restaurant Association
Produce Marketing Association
General Mills
Kraft Foods North America
Consumers Union
Center for Science in the Public Interest
Food Marketing Institute
American Public Health Association
Center for Foodborne Illness Research and Prevention
Consumer Federation of America
International Bottled Water Association
National Association of Manufacturers
National Confectioners Association
National Consumers League
Pew Charitable Trust
Trust for America's Health
Snack Food Association
Safe Tables Our Priority (STOP)
American Bakers Association
American Beverage Association
International Dairy Foods Association
International Foodservice Distributors Association
National Coffee Association
American Farm Bureau


Weston A. Price Foundation
Farm to Consumer Legal Defense Fund
National Independent Consumers and Farmers Association
Raw Milk Association of Colorado
Farm Family Defenders
American Grassfed Association
Small Farms Conservancy
National Family Farm Coalition
Carolina Farm Stewardship Association

http://www.govtrack.us/users/questions. ... l:s111-510 (http://www.govtrack.us/users/questions.xpd?topic=bill:s111-510)

it's a pain to try to read through legslative legalize, and i really hate the way BOTH sides of our gubment try to use scare tactics..
when there's something i hear that sound bad, i start looking at all points of view, i always find it interesting to find out what corporate mega giants are "behind" or "supportive" of bills like this

08-13-2010, 02:06 PM
They have been pushing this or very like things for over 5 years ,it is pure corp. B.S . Any time the big guys squeel Gov jumps in to help . It is time people stand up to the phrase " By The People ,For The People . Even our founding fathers knew corporations were an evil problem . If we let then take our food and for many a livelyhood we should all just slap on some shackles . I never in my life time would have expected to be able to tell people I can grow pot in 18 states but can not grow lettuce ! Most of the small farms I know are already upsidedown $$$$ with the the Farm Loan system trying to stay above water and compete with the Agri companies .Those who fail are either bought up by the Agri Co.'s or go fallow and the land will never be able to brought back . Fear not people our brother China will feed you :x
Maybe You Won't Have A Kind Day
PS Part of the reason I have been working on moving to a 3rd world country ,I do not believe the Sheeple will stand up !

08-13-2010, 10:17 PM
PS Part of the reason I have been working on moving to a 3rd world country ,I do not believe the Sheeple will stand up !

The worst part of this kind of legislation is that most of the "backward, savage, uneducated, illiterate, ignorant" third world countries live off home-grown foods, and in our "enlightened, industrialized, educated, intelligent, civilized" 'First World' countries, our corporate-run governments are telling us that home-grown food isn't good or healthy for us! And the millions of Sheeeeeeple believe the elitists because they are the 'smart.' 'beautiful' people :!:

08-14-2010, 11:50 AM
Ok exactly what section of this bill says anything about stopping homegrown food . I find tons of referance to inspections ,record keeping and yes by all means Fee's and fines . So I see a lot of things making it cost prohibitive to do it but not that you can not do it . It also appears this bill is stagnant as I see nothing moving forward . It still reads more like a economic thing over a saftey thing . It's all about money
Have A Kind Day
PS I would worry more on Monsanto patending all the seeds from the seed banks and removing all the herritage stuff and replacing with GMO !

08-15-2010, 11:14 AM
these are the kind of things that make forums so priceless. info that many of us know nothing about. thanks for going to the trouble to post. :)


08-15-2010, 03:04 PM
The bill doesn't stop you from growing your own food, but if you want to trade, sell or give away anything you do grow, you will have to fill out a pile of forms, pay a tax, get inspected, and on & on. Kill the Bill! Kill Bill!

08-15-2010, 04:45 PM
I didn’t realize at first that one of Mr. jackalope’s links is a hey we disagree that is very easy to fill in the blanks and send to your senator. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

10-12-2010, 09:10 PM
Wow, thanks for keeping us aware. How the heck does this even make sense when we barely know what's in the food we buy from big corps...

10-12-2010, 10:52 PM
They have been pushing this or very like things for over 5 years ,it is pure corp. B.S .

Actually, one of the first of these bills was introduced over 15 years ago ..... just like the socialists who demand health care for non-citizens, etc. these people will continue to put these bills forward in one variation or another or even piece by piece, until they get their way ... just like the raw milk scam ..... (I grew up on raw milk, so I consider those laws as a scam) ..... they sneak it in and eventually you get arrested for breaking the law when no one knew it was even passed.

We all have to keep our eyes open to these kinds of underhanded actions ...... the major news media (who get their advertising revenue from 'guess who') decries and dismisses the "conspiracy theorists" who see some sort of wrong-doing in these laws which will supposedly keep us healthy and safe, but eventually the big agri-corps get the gold, while we, the people get the shaft.

If the Repubs take over Congress, look for it to be introduced again, maybe in another form, but basically the same law - it doesn't matter who is in power, Republicrats or Demoncrats ..... just follow the money trail when the above Corps. who support this type of legislation start shelling out the campaign donations :!:

Just my 2 centavos ......

10-12-2010, 11:00 PM
I agree with you Jackalope, and this is why we the people need to stay active in our government!

10-13-2010, 04:12 AM
they sneak it in and eventually you get arrested for breaking the law when no one knew it was even passed.
They don't 'sneak' anymore....they 'TELL' us they have to pass the bills "FIRST", so we can have time to read them and find out what's in them.

I wonder what our founding Fathers would do ?
Remeber, we only have another 20 some days to start to save America.

If I said this was 'my 2 cents'.....they'd want to tax that too.

02-07-2011, 03:42 PM
I want to put my two cents in as well. This isn't an American problem, it's a worldwide problem. Also, it's been going on since at least the 70's, and probably longer.

I gew up on a small mixed farm. We drank raw milk, ate our own pork, chicken eggs, beef, fruits and veggies.

02-07-2011, 04:30 PM
I want to put my two cents in as well. This isn't an American problem, it's a worldwide problem. Also, it's been going on since at least the 70's, and probably longer.

I gew up on a small mixed farm. We drank raw milk, ate our own pork, chicken eggs, beef, fruits and veggies.

I'll second that! We raised our own, and none of us died from it! We didn't need the alphabet groups to tell us what, where, and how much to grow! We need a Congress that will defund these organized crime syndicates and let them dry up and blow away!

02-07-2011, 09:14 PM
i wonder what the impact will be on liberty and community gardens and farms where numerous families are involved.

02-08-2011, 06:48 AM
house bill s.510 was replaced by h.r. 2751, i've only read the summary, but

"Exempts certain establishments that sell food directly to consumers, such as roadside stands, farmers markets or participants in a community supported agriculture program, from specified requirements of this Act"

02-08-2011, 06:52 AM
That's good to hear, but when you are offered an olive branch in one hand, watch out for the club in the other hand.

02-08-2011, 09:00 PM
Buy lots of guns and more ammo while you can.

02-11-2011, 09:13 PM
You can't eat guns and ammo :)

02-11-2011, 09:27 PM
When the time comes you won't be able to eat without them.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness."

02-12-2011, 08:50 AM
should a famine strike, or the distribution of food be controlled by big business/government, or total control of buying selling by government is a remote possibility in our country. but, catastrophic earthquakes, floods, etc, are very possible. those that don't have food will go after those that have as is demonstrated everyday in parts of the world. being able to protect ones family and ones self will certainly be necessary.

being prepared for the unexpected is being wise, not paranoid.

02-12-2011, 08:27 PM
Don't be so sure. We are due for the double dip of this depression. This has been a fools recovery and with the amount of debt that we've accumulated, it is inevetible for the bottom to drop out. The Chinese are dumping dollars as fast as they can without ruining the dollar. Once they are done the rest of the world will no longer use the old greenback as the currency of choice. Once we can no longer service the debt by printing money, hyper inflation sets in. The best examples of this was pre WW II Germany and more recently Yugoslavia. Don't think it can't happen here.

We won't be able to import anything and no one will be able to pay their workers. Start getting really self suffient.

02-12-2011, 09:22 PM
ok, what i really bellieve is that we will not have currencey but debit/credit cards that will control our buying, selling, working, it will affect every aspect of our lives. i do not believe it is that far away. there are many facets to what is going on. it is not reverseable.

04-13-2011, 09:35 PM
This bill replaced S. 510, the original FDA Food Safety Modernization Act. On Sunday, December 19, the text of S. 510 replaced the original text of H.R. 2751, and the bill passed by voice vote. H.R. 2751, originally the Consumer Assistance to Recycle and Save Act, passed the House in June 2009 and was a "vehicle" for the passage of S. 510 in a House-originating bill because S. 510 was a revenue-raising bill. All revenue-raising bills must originate in the House.

http://www.govtrack.us/congress/billtex ... =h111-2751 (http://www.govtrack.us/congress/billtext.xpd?bill=h111-2751)
H.R. 2751: FDA Food Safety Modernization Act
Signed by President Jan 4, 2011

01-01-2013, 07:43 PM
Gentlemen....and Ladies, I have been reading this forum for the past few days trying to absorb all the information I can about Aquaponics. My interest started out with hydroponics, but rapidly shifted to AP after finding this forum. I feel the possibilities to take this (AP) as far as one wishes is only limited by ones' imagination and "want to". I am of the same opinion as most of the respondants to this particular thread. This thread's subject matter caught my eye, and as I read I thought, Yep, I'm in the right place. I have never put together an AP system, but intend to start very soon. At present I'm tinkering with a small hydroponics setup, but that's another story. I realize this is not the right place to introduce myself, but, I figured that since the type of discussions in this particulat thread is the basis for my being here in the first place......why not? You see, I'm a beginning prepper - kinda. I'm not going all out, but I want to be at least a little self-sufficient when it comes to feeding my family. Food is just one part of the big picture, but without food nothing else much matters, does it? I feel that the gubment we have now in control of this contry is frightening and I see nothing good happening in the near future. In my opinion we are rapidly being steered into socialism and the majority of the population seems to be quite content with that. Well, I'm not. I've been around for quite a few years minding my own business and behaving myself......well, not getting caught, anyway ........ and I don't feel good at all about this country's future. But I digress....and wander. I AM quite excited and eager to get an AP system up and running, and with what I have learned from lurking/reading this forum I expect things to go much smoother than starting out on my own. It's such a pleasure to be able to gather all you learned guys in one place right on my computer any time I have a question bouncing around in my bald head. I've also read with much interest "urbanfarmer's" posts about the business aspects of AP . Maybe I'll get close enough to him one day to offer to buy him a beer so I can bounce some ideas around with him - not that I wouldn't be happy to buy any of you a beer if given the opportunity. Well it's time to put my soapbox away and say I'm happy to find this forum with so many like-minded people, and looking forward to getting a system up 'n runnin soon. Hope I don't have to ask too many questions.......

01-01-2013, 10:54 PM
welcome to the forum Aufin, i have been quiet on this forum for awhile, there is unlimited first rate information on this site that will certainly head you in the right direction. really some great folks here.


01-02-2013, 05:28 AM
Hi Aufin, welcome to the forum.
Seeing as how you admited your bald, your all right in my book...I am too, but I shave what little I have left... ;) .. :lol:

Hi rfeiller... 8-)

01-23-2013, 04:05 AM
Gentlemen....and Ladies, I have been reading this forum for the past few days trying to absorb all the information I can about Aquaponics. My interest started out with hydroponics, but rapidly shifted to AP after finding this forum. I feel the possibilities to take this (AP) as far as one wishes is only limited by ones' imagination and "want to". I am of the same opinion as most of the respondants to this particular thread. This thread's subject matter caught my eye, and as I read I thought, Yep, I'm in the right place. I have never put together an AP system, but intend to start very soon. At present I'm tinkering with a small hydroponics setup, but that's another story. I realize this is not the right place to introduce myself, but, I figured that since the type of discussions in this particulat thread is the basis for my being here in the first place......why not? You see, I'm a beginning prepper - kinda. I'm not going all out, but I want to be at least a little self-sufficient when it comes to feeding my family. Food is just one part of the big picture, but without food nothing else much matters, does it? I feel that the gubment we have now in control of this contry is frightening and I see nothing good happening in the near future. In my opinion we are rapidly being steered into socialism and the majority of the population seems to be quite content with that. Well, I'm not. I've been around for quite a few years minding my own business and behaving myself......well, not getting caught, anyway ........ and I don't feel good at all about this country's future. But I digress....and wander. I AM quite excited and eager to get an AP system up and running, and with what I have learned from lurking/reading this forum I expect things to go much smoother than starting out on my own. It's such a pleasure to be able to gather all you learned guys in one place right on my computer any time I have a question bouncing around in my bald head. I've also read with much interest "urbanfarmer's" posts about the business aspects of AP . Maybe I'll get close enough to him one day to offer to buy him a beer so I can bounce some ideas around with him - not that I wouldn't be happy to buy any of you a beer if given the opportunity. Well it's time to put my soapbox away and say I'm happy to find this forum with so many like-minded people, and looking forward to getting a system up 'n runnin soon. Hope I don't have to ask too many questions.......
Greetings Earthling, and welcome to the addiction! :mrgreen:

We would really like to see pictures of your system! :mrgreen:

01-30-2013, 11:55 PM
And this is why I am here to duplicate your successes as I feel I don't have time for trial and error. Then our co-op are going to duplicate that system and keep multiplying from there. On another non ap topic look into raising bees. That's another fun beneficial project.

01-31-2013, 04:41 AM
And this is why I am here to duplicate your successes as I feel I don't have time for trial and error. Then our co-op are going to duplicate that system and keep multiplying from there. On another non ap topic look into raising bees. That's another fun beneficial project.
Simply, let us know how we can help! :-)