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View Full Version : Dave's Phase II

08-09-2010, 02:26 AM
Well, I'm doing a little re-working of my system. Actually, it'll be a pretty good size re-do. So I thought I'd start a new thread for it.
I thought if I started this new post, I'll feel obligated to get some work done... :roll: I've got to hurry...our best growing season will be here before I know it.

Here's a few pictuires....just teasers for now..... :P

A pile of pipes....


A big box of fittings....


Here's a start....hmmmm, that trough looks out of place....and whats that hidding behind the wheelburrow ...?


Oh yeah, did I mention ......'Phase III'...? :lol: ... What's hidding under the tarp ?


08-09-2010, 07:21 AM
I peeked under the tarp when toy weren’t looking. :mrgreen:

08-09-2010, 07:00 PM
Now I know why your wife was aking so many questions..... :o .....so you could peek... :lol:

08-10-2010, 01:18 PM
I was in town, driving near Lowes, when I remembered Stucco getting some pumps for a good price....so in I go.
I found a 2000 gallon waterfall pump for $54.... 1/2 price
I'm now the proud owner of a big pump....guess it'll be used in 'Phase III'

On the way home....I remembered I wanted to get some more of the hose for my pumps and ponds. So, I stopped at Home depot.
I spotted a pump, out of it's box. It was covered with about a 1/4 inch of dust...the box was torn, and had gotten wet at some point,but it was dry now. They both looked kind of cruddy.
I spotted an employee, showed it to her....she went and got someone from that dept, who could make a decision on it.
Yep....the 650 gal gallon waterfall pump became 'mine' , when they said those magic words...."Half price"

08-10-2010, 05:37 PM
Those pumps are expensive even at 1/2 price. They last about a year, then you start getting shocked, then they sieze up.

08-10-2010, 06:07 PM
I got mine as a backup. I don’t normally buy Chinese, but the price was good. I’m waiting for the pump I have now (a little giant) to die cuz it’s been going for over three years nonstop.

08-10-2010, 06:59 PM
Don't know how long it will last, but I got a free pump from an 18" diameter intex pool. I thought it would be a joke, but it seems to have the stuff. Quiet, takes a standard 1.5" pool hose, and puts out about 15 GPM at 8'. Looks like around 300 watts. I'm setting this up on my intex pool tank.

08-11-2010, 05:29 AM
Badflash, you'll have to keep us up-dated about the intex pool pump.
Will you use the filter...?...or, are you just using it to transfer water ?

I'm thinking about taking back the 2000 gal pump....even as a 'back up', it's pretty big.
I like the redundancy of running (at least) 2 pumps on a system.

I've been looking at the QuiteOne brand.....pretty good on the powewr consumption....a 1 year warranty.
The Danner supremes..are pretty good on the power....but they have a 3 year warranty. They are about 20 dollars more ...for the same size.
Looked at little giants on ebay....prices about the same as the Danner's .....with a 3 year warranty....and USA made.

I'm looking for (a min of ) 500 gph @ 5 ft of head
:?: ....Any suggestions....input...advice?

08-11-2010, 02:48 PM
I don't remember how large your tank is, I think it was around 4 or 500 gallons .... If you keep that 2000 gallon pump, that will be just about right for your system, if you want to change the water 3 times per hour. I have a 475 Gallon FT that, when I get thru adding GBs and plumbing will probably get close to 750 - 1000 gallons ..... a 3000 GPH sump pump would be fine with me (I can get one down at the local farm store for $54) .... I just need to design the system so that one pump will do the whole thing if possible (our power costs are egregious here!) .... If I can figure it out, I will probably be setting it up next ( :lol: :lol: )"summer" ( :lol: :lol: ) as we laughingly call our 3 month "growing season" ;)

08-11-2010, 03:19 PM
My main tank (now) is just over 500...I figure 2 times an hour is good, on the exchange. So, I'd like 2 pumps, that are doing 'at least' 500 gals @ 4 or 5 feet of head.
The sump and Gb's (will) hold about 1500 gals.
Phasae II ...is actually a 're-build' / 'add on' to the original system.

I was going to use the 2000 gal pump in phase III....[which is a 'new' seperate system]
Don't tell anyone...I want it to be surprise... :P [/i]...Phase III will have about 1100-1200 gals of water in the 'tanks'.....the DWC's will be another 1800gals or so...

I am planning on getting some better quality pumps ...ASAP

Did I mention the land outside of town being Phase IV....?... :D

08-11-2010, 06:26 PM
The small intex pumps do 530 GPH at 5' of head. My big one does over 1500 GPH at over 8'. I do not use the filter, but I have a screen on the pool intake.

Badflash, you'll have to keep us up-dated about the intex pool pump.
Will you use the filter...?...or, are you just using it to transfer water ?

I'm looking for (a min of ) 500 gph @ 5 ft of head
:?: ....Any suggestions....input...advice?

08-12-2010, 04:39 AM
The small intex pumps do 530 GPH at 5' of head. My big one does over 1500 GPH at over 8'. I do not use the filter, but I have a screen on the pool intake.

Hmmm.....I'll have to do a search....wonder what the watts are for the different sizes ?

Still wonder about their 'life span' ?

I saw one for sale at Lowes. I think I saw a sign saying $43....?
I'll have to stop by, if I'm over that way, and read the box.
E-bay might have some good prices on them.

Seeing as how yours was 'FREE'....your way ahead of the curve... :mrgreen:

08-12-2010, 02:42 PM
Join your local freecycle and post a wanted for one. The pools get split all the time and I'm sure you can get them for nothing. That is what I did. I watch for pumps, sand and DE filters, etc.

08-12-2010, 04:18 PM
Join your local freecycle and post a wanted for one

I tried awhile back, to join.....I guess they didn't like my introductory letter, they wanted me to write....?

I watch Craigs list often...never saw one there.
But, that's a good idea.... to make a 'wanted' request there.

09-06-2010, 05:35 PM
I'm making a little head way.....here is a start on the troughs for the rafts.
They are all 4 feet wide and 1 foot deep, the lengths vary, so they fit in the yard better.


I'll still use my solids separator, then the water will gravity feed to some media beds, which hopefully will remove more particles. Form there it will flow to the troughs.
I'll grow larger plants in the media beds...most likely bell peppers.


Just as an experiment, I'm trying two different size river rock. The smaller, was given to me.... :D IMO...it's a little on the small size.
I guess I'll check the bottoms of the grow beds in 6 months and then again in a year, to check on any build up.
I plan on adding red worms to the media beds.


09-06-2010, 06:22 PM
My little pond pump will pump 11 feet ...... it's a 350GPH that I bought from Lowes (they don't well them anymore, I looked. It's a great little pump, and I've never had any problem with it ...... I don't know if it makes any difference, but I always look for a pond pump, rather than a fountain pump ..... they're less cost, and they seem to pump to higher levels ;)

09-06-2010, 06:33 PM
Just as an experiment, I'm trying two different size river rock. The smaller, was given to me.... :D IMO...it's a little on the small size.
I guess I'll check the bottoms of the grow beds in 6 months and then again in a year, to check on any build up.
I plan on adding red worms to the media beds.

IMNSHO, the smaller the better, if you'r looking for it to emulate a biofilter ... i.e. the smaller rocks will give you more surface area, therefore more area for the good stuff to grow on ;) I have read that putting worms into the GB isn't much of an accomplishment .... they actually only eat microbes, not the solids, and then they leave castings/feces, which will eventually tend to clog up the works, if you get my drift. This is someone else's research, not mine, so don't kill the messenger, I'm just reporting/repeating ;) Too many worms, would eat too many of the microbes that are 'grinding down' the solids, therefore defeating the purpose of the whole exercise!

Just my 2 centavos ......

09-07-2010, 03:13 AM
the smaller the better, if you'r looking for it to emulate a biofilter ... i.e. the smaller rocks will give you more surface area, therefore more area for the good stuff to grow on
Good point on the surface area. I'm wondering about it plugging faster, which may mean it's actually filtering better.

I didn't mention it....I'll be using bio-filter(s), just before the troughs. They have netting/screen in them, which will be the last chance for any solids removal.

I have read that putting worms into the GB isn't much of an accomplishment .... they actually only eat microbes, not the solids, and then they leave castings/feces, which will eventually tend to clog up the works

Too many worms, would eat too many of the microbes that are 'grinding down' the solids, therefore defeating the purpose of the whole exercise!
That's interesting Jackalope, I never heard about them eating microbes....I thought they would eat the solids, rotting roots, ect.
Do you happen to remeber where you read that ? I'll have to do some research, to see how worms feed. I always thought they ate rotting veggies ect...?... :?

I can picture the tilapia 'pooh' plugging up the works, but 'itty-bitty, tiny little' worm pooh, is hard to imagine... :?

09-07-2010, 08:54 AM
They eat the microbes that break down the solids ;) I don't remember where I got the info .....

There is an interesting thread here Clik ;) (http://www.aquaponicshq.com/forums/showthread.php/1413-Vermiponics-Aquaponics-Without-Fish/page2?highlight=worms) about Vermiponics - Aquaponics using worms rather than fish! - that might also interest many of our members here!

09-07-2010, 01:52 PM
Worms do eat the bacteria, and fungi that break down organic matter, but I think your nitrifying bacteria would be safe. I am not 100% sure on this, but would imagine that nitrosomonas, and nitrobacter are too small for worms to be interested. And if they do remove some bacteria from your media, it will open up new areas for bacteria to colonize. I cannot see how this could be an issue.
You should do an experiment, with and without worms. I would bet the worms will be a positive. Oh if you plan to use excess worms for fish food, do not buy the commercially available red wrigglers. Fish really do not like them. They are rumored to be mildly toxic, and some reptile keepers have actually reported mortalities from feeding them. A quick Google search will turn up some results, though I have not seen any studies.

11-30-2010, 09:13 AM
Take a look back at my post from Sept 6th..... This is the growth in a few months. I had to move the sweet tater's, I ended up cutting them almost all the way back. As you see, they didn't mind.


I did buy little plants from the big box store. The tomatoes in the larger media are not growing as fast as the smaller media...


Same tomatoes, from the same 9 pack in the above 2 photos.


In the above shot, the bed that is closest, is the one to receive water first.
It seems, the plants like the smaller media, which is collecting more pooh/sludge.
However, I'm thinking ,that the little bit of pooh that is getting past the swirl filter....is flowing right past the beds with the larger media. I wish I would of separated the 2 beds with the larger media.

The smaller media is easier to plant into, whether it's pre-started plants, or adding seeds. I've noticed I get better results from lettuce seeds added to the smaller. Maybe the seeds go too deep into the larger media ?

I did not glue the pipe into the ball valves on the 'grow bed' side of the valves. I change that pipe with different lengths about once a week. It seems to help, especially with the smaller media. That, and I think the worms are helping too. I've been adding banana peels on a regular basis, figuring the worms will help add some potassium, by eating them.

I added 6 pepper plants. I didn't think any were going to make it. 2 did survive and are starting to look pretty good. Maybe, they need more established nutrients, to get started then tomatoes do (?)

Big Al
12-01-2010, 05:41 AM
hi david, thing's are looking very good. nice tomato's i would have to agree with you about
the pepper's needing to have estabilshed nutrient's. mine took about three month's to really
take off. while the tomatoes took right off. best wishes Big Al

12-01-2010, 02:25 PM
that's whats nice about florida, you can grow year round. in san jose,ca we started have weather in the 30's last month. tomato plants, chile plants outside are dead. plants in greenhouse are ok, but the cost of raising them in a heated greenhouse is through the roof.

12-01-2010, 05:58 PM
do what will allen from grow power does and put a pile of compost in one of the corners and let that heat the green house :mrgreen:

12-02-2010, 05:38 AM
Thanks BigAl !.... :)

Hi rfeiller....we 'can' grow year round. Some winters are harder (colder) then others. The difficult part is, our temps can change pretty fast.
For the last week, we've been in the low/mid 80's and the high 60's, low70's at night. (That's a little warmer then normal)

I knew a front was comming from the north, so last night, I covered my fish tank(s) with blankets, covered the sump(s) with insulation and pluged in a couple heaters.
At 7 this morning, it's 44 F with a 14-15 mph wind....chill factor is 38 F.
Wow...the humidity is actually under 50%...it's 49%. Don't see that very often.

I know, alot of folks are chuckling at the temps I just gave......I've lived in Fl for 25 years, I feel cold at 75... :)
I haven't turned on the heat in the house (it's being used for the fish).....it's only 58 in here, I have on my big fuzzy slippers, a big robe over my clothes and a wool cap. Since I'm at the computer, my cat can't sit in my lap and she is mad... :roll: Sure hope it gets up to 65, like they are predicting.... :D

green2go, when I lived up north, you almost never saw snow on a big pile of cow pooh... :lol: I wonder if they turn the pile, or just let it sit ?
I'm sure the size of the pile makes a differance, I wonder how much heat is being produced ?

12-02-2010, 11:37 AM
Unfortunately I live in a subdivision with limited area. Look at my greenhouse pics there is no room. (Rfeiller's greenhouse revamp) :-)

12-02-2010, 12:26 PM
Thanks BigAl !.... :)

Hi rfeiller....we 'can' grow year round. Some winters are harder (colder) then others. The difficult part is, our temps can change pretty fast.
For the last week, we've been in the low/mid 80's and the high 60's, low70's at night. (That's a little warmer then normal)

I have always been jealous of you FLA guys for that reason.

12-02-2010, 07:43 PM
In one of the youtube clips it says 180 deg. from the pile of poo. not sure how much you would need. If you have limited space.... maybe try poo in a metal drum and let the drums heat the green house.

12-03-2010, 12:02 AM
looks good, I would be curious how much juice those pumps eat

12-03-2010, 10:04 AM
Hi UF, If your asking about the ones I bought a few months back...(?)

The one from home depot....600 gals uses 70 watts
The one from lowes 2200 gals uses just over 200 watts

Both are called waterfall pumps, rather then pond pumps.
The 600, that I have ran, doesn't seem to be effected, as much, by small trash. Must be a different impeller design (?)

I do run bigger pipe for the supply, then the discharge of the pump has. For example...if the discharge on the pump is 3/4 inch, I run at least a 1 inch line.
For turns...I install 2 45's back to back, instead of a hard 90. Yeah, that might be a little overkill...in the long run it'll make a difference.
I lose pressure, but gain some volume. I don't know if it actually helps reduce the wattage, but it's letting the pump work easier.

07-29-2011, 03:37 AM
This is the 1st time I've ever tried growing okra. I'm not even sure which seeds I bought. The plants are only about 2 feet tall.
My buddy grew up in the south and had to help his Uncle pick okra every year. He said he was surprised at how thick the stocks were for the height of the plants. Plus, he was surprised at how many blossoms/okra's there are on them.... :o

They go from this ....


To this , in a New York minute......


He said I should look more often... :lol:

07-29-2011, 07:09 AM
now there is an okra!

07-29-2011, 08:16 AM
very nice Dave

08-10-2011, 07:34 AM
My buddy noticed that there are okra growing on the 'banches'. He said he's only seen them grow next to the main stock.
Again, I've never raised okra before.....is he right?...that it normaly only grows near/at the the main stock....?

I'm holding one of the 'branches'. If you look to the left, you can see a flower on another 'branch'


10-08-2011, 02:58 PM
"Media tub abuse"


I pulled all of them out a few days ago and rinsed the rocks....one out of 6 tubs, was 'maybe' on the verge of going anaerobic.... It had 2 full grown okra and sweet potaoes.... :roll: .. :lol: :lol:

About a month or 2 ago, I'd remeoved the stand pipes. I just had the water 'trickling' into the tubs. They were 'so root bound'...that any faster, and the water ran over the sides of the tubs.

Considering the tubs are too shallow (maybe 8 or 9 inches) and the gravel is only 1/2 inch.....they did pretty well.

Note: I did find the seed pack..the okra was 'clemson spineless #80...sold by perry~morse

10-08-2011, 03:42 PM
I've never grown okra...however...why wouldn't the side branches flower/fruit? Most other plants do....just cause "his never did"...doesn't mean it's not right ;)

10-08-2011, 04:03 PM
I'm not sure MurCurY...?
I have only seen ( in person) 3 or 4 other folks grow it. The ones in dirt, only had okra near the main stock. I also saw someone grow it in 'rafts' in DWC....same thing.
Their plants themselves, weren't nearly as bushy and full either.

Lots of variaibles, of course. I think mine, 'just happened' to be getting a ton of nutrients and the right amount of water.

10-08-2011, 05:09 PM
when i googled
"Okra Clemson Spineless 80"
This came up...on the package the side shoots are flowering...

http://www.amazon.com/Okra-Clemson-Spin ... B002YPS2BS (http://www.amazon.com/Okra-Clemson-Spineless-80-Seed/dp/B002YPS2BS)

10-08-2011, 05:50 PM
:D 'good eye'.....also, the discription does say it's more productive. It sure is...
Next summer, I'll grow the same kind... :)

12-08-2011, 05:25 PM
How is it going over there???

12-08-2011, 05:35 PM
Well.....my home system now consists of an empty 500 gal wooden tank. Everything has been taken apart.
The 2 in-ground fish tanks you gave me are at a lady friends house with some goldfish in them....

12-08-2011, 05:42 PM
looks nice. lucky lady :)

12-08-2011, 05:44 PM
Thanks ....she did alot of the work.