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View Full Version : Best tomato for backyard system?

01-09-2008, 08:40 PM
As I mentioned in one of my other post, I am in the process of setting up a backyard aquaponics system. I have constructed my greenhouse from PVC and plastic and want to raise tomatoes. So, which is the best tomato for me when it comes to production and taste? I plan on raising some other veggies, but I am a tomato lover and want to start with them. Someone....anyone...help me out here.

01-14-2008, 06:40 PM

It will be much easier for me to refer you to a website link which will give you a lot more information than we have room for here. It does give you a terrific choice of different varities so choose one or more and good luck.


01-15-2008, 03:27 PM
Hey...thanks Codi,

You were right about that link and infact the whole site is a university of knowlede in itself. Thanks again.

02-17-2009, 09:31 AM
That link is a good one for sure :) I will be using it myself. And thanks to CODI for the help and for sharing with people as he did so well.

I am germanting a large batch of tomatoes right now and started them in late FEB. I will be selling some at farmers market in spring for cash and planting some. I had an amazing year in 2008 using compost/compost tea. Ended up with 8' tall cherry tomatoes plants and giving away bucket loads to neighbors and freinds. I go about 2 weeks using only cotton and water the I start using light amount of sheep compost made by my cousin from his farm. I simply sprinkle some filtered compost around the base of each seedling and within 2 days they explode! It is amazing to watch them develop and excelerate after feeding them some high quality compost. They stems get hairy and the second leaves pop out along with the size increase. The color goes from light green to deeper green by then and this is how I know I am getting it right. Sheep compost is high in post ash too so later in fruit stage we continue to use this compost and I make compost tea from it.

We also went and filled the truck with decomposed leaves from the recycling center that were 99% composted due to the amount of time they have been piled there along with the huge piles creating a perfect microbial envirenment. Anyway we did potatoes last year using a a simple pile or mound of leaves and never had to dig a hole in the ground. But the leaves look more like compost or dirt than leaves like I said these leaves have been in a large pile and moved around by the city with a bulldozer so in a sense they were "turned" and mixed over a period of 2-3 years and looked black as coal.

I shoved it all by hand in and out of my truck so it was work..but worth it to me. The potatoe mounds were all done next to my green house. This was all an experiemt to see if we could simply put potatoes in these piles (small mounds) and let them go. And they did so well I am going to get a truck load of leaves this spring and do it again on a larger scale then can or air seal (the bags) then store as much as possible in the freezer for next winter. Food prices are sky high due to diesel fuel prices the farmers are paying and passing it down to the the consumers so we are going to can and store as much as possible in 2009 to offset the cost of living.

My cousin has a sheep farm and a large garden each year they can hundreds of tomatoes, along with potatoes,carrots and beans. Each jar taste as if it came straight from the garden. This is nothing new but the tradition has faded. But not for long because people are interested more and more on what we are doing with gardens and compost. I have people stop and ask if they can look at what I have been up to. Even the major is interested and I don't care if it is political or not the objective is to "promote" not debate.



02-17-2009, 01:01 PM
Hello Jeff,

Glad to hear you liked Codi's link...it worked real well for me....people are beginning to call me the Tomato Lady...I litterally had them coming out of my ears last year and this year is planned for an even bigger crop of which, most will be sold at a roadside stand that I intend setting up. With gas prices being what they are, I can always use a little extra cash.

02-17-2009, 01:43 PM
This year I grew 10 different varieties of tomatoes. I start all of mine from seed, fortunately, I have contacts with commercial seed suppliers, for commercial growers, not the packet seeds you buy at nurseries. All mine are grown hydroponicly.
I'm in Australia.


02-17-2009, 02:30 PM
My Goodness Grandma....what big ears you have <:)


Welcome to our side of the planet...and thanks for the post. Do you have any pictures you would like to share or maybe an article with photos you would like to post on the DIY website.

We are also all ears to hear how you did with your tomato crop...tell us more

02-17-2009, 03:41 PM
Hi Laurie and yes welcome by all means :) I have learned allot about aquaponics from the good people in Australia VIA you tube videos. Lot's of good sense comes to us from down under and we say thank you mate. I am new here but we have a common interest with fish and plants eh?

This year I am using Burpee seeds with + results, they seem like strong willed little buggers ready to grow. And with the added nutrients of good compost looks to be a good year.

Pictures....yes I agree with JCO peeps everyone loves pictures, I know I do.

Alicia you have your own little market going then? Sounds cool I am trying to do some independent sales here in my town without interfering with the farmers market since I am a huge supporter of them and was a manager for 2 years. I guess I can sell out of my truck in the front of house as long as I am on "wheels" the city can not say anything about it. There is some great markets but after gas (as you mentioned) and paying a fee to be a vendor I am spending money I would rather keep. We shall see how this year goes though I already have way over 132 plants and will double that every 3 weeks. By May I will be out of room to store them but the idea is to sell them $3-$5 a piece in plots depending on how tall they are. the stores sell them 6" high near by my home (with yellow tipped leaves) for $3 and people buy al lof them so I am thinking mine will be totally green and strong worth every penny I ask PLUS I can advertise them as "organic" (not certified though) and 100% chemical free since we use no chemicals on the sheep farm that makes the compost and all water is rain water I collect from the pole barn into food grade 55 gallon drums.

Ok that's nuff of my stuff :) sorry I rattle on but life is too short to not give it a chance.

02-19-2009, 09:08 AM
Hey Laurie,

I'd really be interested in hearing about your success with you tomatoes. They are my pashion and the more I learn about them the more pashionate I get. Do you have any photos if so please post the so I can get an idea what you did.

10-04-2009, 01:05 PM
Hey Laurie,

Just checkin back to see how you did with your tomato crop this year. You said you planted 10 different types. How about a report on the different types, how each did and some photos if you have the time. :mrgreen:

10-04-2009, 02:56 PM
I'm hopin' that Laurie, Alicia, and JeffW all check in so we can see what's happenin' with them all ;)