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06-14-2010, 01:53 AM
Hi all,

Im Kim from Malaysia and planning to build a small aquaponic.

I started off with a 4 ft tank with 6 red tilapias about a palm size but left 2 after 4weeks. :(

There might be some disease when i purchase the fishes, or fishes fighting among themselves ?

Will try to put a picture of the dead fish soon. :oops:

06-14-2010, 02:38 AM
Hi Kim..... :D

Sorry to hear about your fish loss... :(
Maybe you could share more details....do you have any kind of filtration, are you adding air to the water, how deep is the water-gals/ltrs., are you testing the water for ammonia-ph-nitrate-ect. water tempeture.....????

06-14-2010, 05:03 AM
Welcome to the show....pull up an easy chair, relax and stay awhile. New voices are always a welcome addition to our family..! Whatever questions you have on you mind, this is the place to get the answers. Be sure to go to your profile and put in where you live. There might be some members close by. :mrgreen:

06-14-2010, 10:10 PM
Welcome to the forum Kim, we're glad you're here! Tell us more about your system, and by the way, we love photos! ;)

06-18-2010, 04:17 AM
Thank you for your warm welcome and encouragement :)

After consulting the fish shop owner, he suggest me to put some sea salt from his shop as it might help remove the diseases.

I will keep monitor the fishes and added another 4 fishes the same day. :lol:

After receive a call today from the fish keeper that theres a fish shipment, Im gonna check out the fishes now :mrgreen:

I'll post the pictures when i release the fishes :roll:

Sorry for my bad english :oops:

06-18-2010, 05:38 AM
your english is much better than my malaysian!

looking forward to seeing your system

06-18-2010, 07:05 PM
I bought one of these 'lampam' last night sized about 3 half inches

and one these 'jelawat' sized 3 half inches

I bought 6 tilapias sized about 8 inches when started out but too bad lost 4 of them.

I bought 3 of these green 'kelah' sized 3 inches last week. Picture above is red 'kelah' for illustration purpose only :lol:
The red kelah is a expensive river fish and it takes about 5-7 years to grow to a 3-4kg weight. Anyway I could only afford the green not the red.

Bought 1 of these sebarau/carp sized about 5 inches last week.

Finally my tank :lol: with a chinese pot in it

06-18-2010, 07:20 PM
Hey whysun welcome! Looks like you have the start of a really cool system. I am curious as to what carp tastes like?

06-18-2010, 07:33 PM
hi stucco, I have never get to taste the carp before. I will post the picture when its ready on the dinner table. :)

Should I start working on the grow beds or wait till the fish tank mature first? :?:

Fish tank is only less than 4 weeks old. :P

06-18-2010, 07:39 PM
Hi whysun. Can you eat any carp or just certain breeds?

06-18-2010, 07:42 PM
I believe onli certain type carp can be eaten.

The one in my tank is river carp type which can be eaten.

06-18-2010, 07:45 PM
Anyone knows the good and bad for deep/shallow grow beds? :?

06-20-2010, 09:04 AM
your english is much better than my malaysian!

:lol: :lol: Me too! I like that!

Can you eat any carp or just certain breeds? I've read about Chinese Carp, Mirror Carp, Grass Carp, and a few others, including Goldfish and Koi, which are edible. My understanding is that they are good tasting if prepared correctly, but very bony ....... A friend and I used to go up to Utah Lake (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Utah_Lake), South of Salt Lake near Provo and 'fish' (with a 30 cal carbine :o :o ) for Carp which grow wild there .... they are just huge Goldies (up to 1 foot long from what we saw) ..... but like I said, very bony, so the locals just went up there to kill them for the sport of it, they don't eat them! If I wanted to raise Carp, I'd like to go down there and net a few starters (the lake is still populated with them, even tho it's been about 30 years or so, and now the Carp have just about taken over the lake) ;).

Here's some links for anyone that's interested (some are a little too scientific for this ol' guy):

Clik ;) (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/earth/3353540/Carp-sustainable-food-you-can-keep-in-the-pond.html) Carp Farm in UK
Clik ;) (http://www.zetatalk.com/food/tfoox085.htm) How to make a Carp more edible :lol:
Clik ;) (http://www.fao.org/docrep/005/B3310E/B3310E14.htm) Scientific stuff from the USSR
Clik ;) (http://www.ksuaquaculture.org/Species/Carp,Common.htm) Carp Aquaculture info from U of Kentucky
Clik ;) (http://www.evitamins.com/encyclopedia/assets/food-guide/carp/~default) More Carp Stuff
Clik ;) (http://www.nongkhaimap.com/nongkhaiforum/fish-farming-carp-t12797.html) Thai Forum on Carp (recipes, etc.) Check out the pic on post # 10 ! (Large version Clik ;) (http://img140.imageshack.us/i/dcp1096.jpg/) Caution: May possibly contain Photoshopped images :o :shock: :lol: :lol: )
Clik ;) (http://flyfishingelite.com/different-carp-baits) Carp Baits (for the Carp fisherman!)
Clik ;) (http://www.google.com/search?q=%22edible+carp%22&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.debian:en-US:unofficial&client=iceweasel-a) My Google search for "edible Carp" for those who want to learn more about carp!

I just noticed, if you're typing too fast, you may accidentally misspell .... carp may become crap! I'm sure glad you can make corrections after you post :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

06-20-2010, 11:52 AM
Anyone knows the good and bad for deep/shallow grow beds?

If you mean gravell filled grow beds....(?)

Normally ,(at least) 1 foot deep is recomended.

Shallower...not as much room for roots..... less surface area for the 'good' bacteria to grow on.... shallow ones can heat up -or- cool down faster..... more water volume is more stable, PH, ect.

deeper....not really a disadvantage, but, you may need a 'bigger sump'
remeber, more water is more stable.

Can anyone else add disadvantages/advantages...?....or maybe a 'link' on this topic...?

06-20-2010, 05:49 PM
Jackalope, if you are going to raise carp, go the correct route and make them KOI, not to eat but to sell. :?

When fed a minimum of 3 times per day using a high protein food and under optimum conditions (lots of space, clean water and plants in the tank,) young KOI (starting as fry) can grow almost an inch per month or faster. :o

A friend of mine just had 50 fry (not much more than eyeballs with tails) shipped in from Hawaii at a cost of $80.00 (included 2nd day air). Even though the package was damaged in shipping and he only wound up with 26 that survived, he estimates that within 7 to 9 months, he will have sold most if not all for a very tidy profit.

He did this last year with better results in the survival of the shipping and raised something over 40 and sold them all within 12 months and netted over $6,000. :shock:

Some KOI (according to color and configuration of color, body shape etc) at 12” can sell for well over a $1,000 and up to astronomical amounts for some. :shock: :o

Check out the prices here:


There is a learning curve but the money is there to be made if you want it.

Koi work well in AP and are winter hardy as long as the water doesn’t freeze solid to the bottom (naturally there has to be some room at the bottom for them to swim even though at very low temperatures, they swim very little and eat nothing.

The good news is egg production….a healthy mature female can lay approximately 100,000 eggs per kilogram (1 kilogram = 2.20462262 pounds) of her body weight. How many do you have to save even if you only sell them at $10. each? 8-) :lol: :lol: :lol: :mrgreen:

06-21-2010, 12:47 AM
Hi Jack .... thanks a lot for the great info for carps, It was a indeed a bony fish but i guess a adult fish sized 2-3 kg would be great for dinner. ;)

hi david ... thanks for your advise... i will look for 1ft deep for my grow beds. ;)

hi Jco ... Koi is a great color addition to the display tank. I have no experience on these fishes, are they recommended for beginners ? :D

Measured my fish tank yesterday L48inches x W33inches x H12inches about 75% water filled.

Water Volume approx 218Liter/57Gallon excluding the filter.

The fishes are looking healthy after mixing some sea salt.

06-21-2010, 11:54 PM
Picture of my little 'lampam'
and my 'jelawat' before releasing into tank

06-21-2010, 11:56 PM

Sorry for ruinning your appetite :lol:

Above is pics of my dead fishes. 8-)