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View Full Version : I Apologize - Been Away For Some Time

06-10-2010, 06:13 AM
The recent administrator prompting reminded me that I have been away too long. Freestate Growers is moving closer to its integrated, aquaponics system each day. Just yesterday, the Department of Game and Inland Fisheries Rep inspected our facility as a prerequisite to obtaining a license to stock Tilapia. The catfish and koi are onhand but we haven't linked the fish and vegetable systems yet. I think they'll be operating together by mid-July.

Thank you for the reminder, this really is a great information resource.



06-10-2010, 07:32 AM
I do thank you for dropping back by Jim, how 'bout some pics of your operation unless it's top secret :mrgreen:

06-10-2010, 07:57 AM
Hi Jim...wishing you the 'best'. I too, hope to see some pictures soon .... :D

06-10-2010, 11:31 AM
Nothing top secret, simply didn't think it was ready for pictures. Since you requested pictures, I added two images: the recently completed fish shed and an external, silver-channel cat tank.

When completed, the high tunnel will extend from the shed and shelter 1 - 3 plant troughs. The Tilapia, once we're licensed, will go in the shed tank for temperature control.

If all goes well, we'll add troughs and bays until each bay supports one high tunnel sheltering three troughs each. My guess, we'll be 36 months down the road before seeing that capability.

The catfish - they're breeding stock that will remain outside.
