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04-06-2010, 06:37 PM
I just got my copy of The Urban Aquaponics Manual in the mail, and it is a great resource for both newbie and the experienced aquaponicist (aquaponics enthusiast)! What a wealth of information on both aquaponics and backyard farming/squarefoot gardening. Almost 35 years of experience crammed into 151 pages ...... you just hate to put it down! This was written by our member GaryD, who has been using and perfecting these small scale farming and aquaculture techniques since 1976. I'm stoked! This is one great book! You can find out more info on his manual at Clik ;) (http://www.urbanaquaponics.net.au/) Thanks Gary!

04-08-2010, 08:37 AM
Well, now that you have the "Holly Grail" :lol: we'll know who to turn to for the answers to all our problems...by the way, just off the top, what's it say about getting my S/S raised so I can eat at least 2 meals a day? :shock: :o :lol: :lol: :lol: :mrgreen:

04-08-2010, 11:30 AM
Sorry JCO..... :( ......'your' raise is being used to put in a new computer system, to keep the Congress and House member's personal medical records...... :roll:

04-08-2010, 02:06 PM
They wouldn't have to worry about medical records if I could get my hands on them...and you can take that to any bank and cash it :evil: :mrgreen:

04-08-2010, 10:11 PM
Our SS COLA was scrapped this year so they could help pay for the new healthcare debacle/boondoggle that they are going to charge us for ...... healthcare by force, they call it, as if I can afford to take $109.00 a month out of the pittance I get now to pay for something I don't even want or use :evil: :twisted: :roll: Oh Yeah, wait until the death panels get here ..... they are going to be run by the IRS .... and you know what a great job they are doing already :!: :!: :roll: :roll: It's almost time for old coots like you and me to bend over and kiss it goodbye!!

I'm really liking the manual ..... what a great resource ..... :D :D

04-09-2010, 05:19 AM
Hey, as long as this old beat up heart of mine is still pumping, I'm not bending over for anyone..it's not over until the fat lady sings and I don't go to operas... :shock: :mrgreen:

04-09-2010, 08:19 PM
The founders had fewer grievances against King George than we have against Obama. At what point do we use the 2nd ammendment for its intended purpose? It wasn't for hunting game.

04-10-2010, 06:45 AM
Ready when you are...!