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View Full Version : Help w/ New system in Baltimore City

01-18-2010, 03:45 PM
Hi, I am very new to the world of aquaponic's. I would like to setup a backyard system that would hold ten fish for eating. I would like to have the tank holding the fish in the ground. I need help with the size of fish tank needed and the best location for the system. I have added pics to help understand my yard. Thanks.





01-18-2010, 03:56 PM
Hi DCJ24..... :)

I'm kinda new at this too. The guys and gals with more experiance should be able to help you get started.

01-19-2010, 08:22 AM
sorry not much experience here but that looks like a perfect yard for a AP system.
Not one of those HMO-groomed type of backyards
I like the Urban feel

01-19-2010, 05:57 PM
First thing to do is to clear out some space and build a small green house.

Check this thread: Wolfracer's System Build (http://www.diyaquaponics.com/forum/showthread.php?58-Wolfracer-s-System-Build)

01-21-2010, 04:39 PM
1. What kind of fish do you intend to raise?
2. Are you sure that 10 fish will be enough?
3. Are you planning to run it year round?
4. Are you planning to do aquaponics too?
5. How far will you have to run electricity -- will it be extension cords or will you run an underground line right to the location?
6. Will there be easy access to water -- same thoughts as #5 above?
7. Since you're putting this in the ground, would ditches for the electric/water be convenient at the same time?
8. Will you be planning to put in a sump at the same level to avoid pumping up to ground level?

There are a multitude of reasons I've asked these questions, and there are a multitude more questions that you should be asking yourself before you start ..... but here are just a few things to think about ..... If you are planning on a warm water fish, you'll need a greenhouse/hoophouse for those colder days ..... if you are raising cold-water fish, you may get away without a greenhouse if you have a large enough fish tank and a heater/de-icer for the winter. Ten fish will go fast when they reach market weight, and the return will probably not justify the expense you have put into this project. If you are raising a fish that takes a 2 year grow-out, you should plan on having a greenhouse/hoophouse for sure, at least I would ..... look what happened to Florida a couple of weeks ago ...... (plan ahead for that freak winter or summer that your area has never had - i.e. the double layer greenhouse badflash has suggested ;) ). If you are doing aquaponics, you may/may not have to set up a bio-filtration unit to take the load if your AP system doesn't have enough of a grow-bed to Fish tank ratio. Also, you will have to consider electrical and water supply lines when you decide on the placement of your system and/or greenhouse/hoophouse. There are many things to ruminate on when starting this project, because remember, it is going to be in place/in the way for a long time to come, and you've gotta ask yourself will that project be in a place as an obstruction, or will it be close enough to the house for electrical supply lines, water lines, etc. We can't tell you the best spot, it's you that has to live with it, so think about all the positives and negatives before you decide where you want to place it, and then start laying it out to see if you want to give up that much space or if it's going to be right for you ;) I'm certainly not trying to discourage you, what with higher and higher prices for groceries and meat, but we wouldn't want you to get started without considering all the ramifications, get halfway into it, find out it was draining you of much-needed resources, decide that it's not for you, and give up! (I went that route, but came back later). We all want you to succeed, because it is really great when you can pick the fruit off your vine and say .... me and my fish did this (look at wolfracer's system thread for some inspiration ;) )! There are some other systems here that might give you some good ideas as to what you want as a final result ;)

Just my two centavos .......

01-24-2010, 11:55 PM

I am new too, but learning a lot fast. Have you checked out the Barrelponics system of Travis Hughey? He has an 80 page manual that lays it all out. For 10 fish and small area it could get you started. If you get another winter like this one, six strong guys could move it into your bedroom.

Best Wishes,

Tom Cloud

01-24-2010, 11:57 PM
Sorry! I forgot to post his web address :oops:


Tom Cloud

06-13-2011, 10:41 PM
I think you have best location for AP just try to improve by building
some green area, All the suggestions in above post are quite right you can build better to fallow them.

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