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02-18-2009, 05:01 AM
I am trying a small bottle of Bacteria Supplement that is suppose to help "kick in" a new system. They sell this product for aquariums and new fish water but I was wondering if it would also boost the grow bed into developing bacteria quicker so I don't have to wait for 2-3 weeks when starting a new system.

I am planning on an outdoor system in a few months, wonder if this would be worth my money to try out. I have this small setup I just made for the shop and put some in a few days ago and now I will watch the bed to see if I notice any advantage or if I will just have to wait for bacteria to grow at it's own rate.

Any thoughts on that one..thanks.

02-18-2009, 07:38 AM

Don't know if you've got this or not, but if you have an aquarium with fish in it, take the dirty filter media out and put it in the water for your grow beds. That media will contain more bacteria than you could ever buy in a bottle form the store and it's free. Also, a big scoop full of the gravel from the bottom of an established aquarium will contain the bacteria you seek.


02-18-2009, 04:58 PM
I'll second that. The bottled bacteria is a big waste of money. Find someone with a disease free tank, if you don't have one yourself, and offer to clean their filter. Quicks out the grungies and dump it in your system.

02-18-2009, 07:42 PM
Awesome idea's...I will do that...thanks.
and maybe I found myself a sideline business cleaning peoples aquariums..ha ha.

02-19-2009, 08:35 AM
Really strange how something so simple could be of so much help. You can tell this only comes from actual experience acquired over time on the parts of both JCO & Badflash. I didn't mean to say you were old, just experienced :D

02-19-2009, 03:29 PM
Old too ;)
I watched Howdy Doody when it was on live and TV went to a test pattern with a Indian on it. They weren't "native Americans" yet.

Anyway, the glop in your filter gives you an instant cycle. I once started up a 300 gallon system using the filter goop from my feeder guppy tank. I added 1000 Malaysian Prawn juvies the same day. No issues. In a large system the bacteria can multiply to meet the needs long before the system goes toxic.

02-20-2009, 08:37 AM
Just a thought is that green algae on rocks next to running water such as a spring
or a small river on the wet rocks..is that the same type of bacteria?

Can I simply take that and scoop some up and use it?

02-20-2009, 09:34 AM


You really have no idea what kinds of infestations of all kind of little creatures from leaches to all sorts of tiny insects etc. you'll introduce to your system that feed on fish. If you do that, you'll loose all your fish and then have to break down the entire AP and sterilize and rebuild it from the ground up because they will get into your grow medium and breed like rabbits. :o

:oops: Years ago, I was wading in small creek looking for sailfin mollies (the green variety grow wild in Florida) when I spied some ghost shrimp. I caught a few, took them home and put them in a 10 galleon tank with some Convict chiclids thinking they would eat the shrimp (they didn’t) but I noticed little black spots on the shrimp that looked strange. That afternoon the spots disappeared from the shrimp and appeared on the Convicts. I caught one in a net to investigate and quickly found out they were young leaches and I tried everything to get the off the fish and get rid of them to no avail. Finally the fish died and I was so disgusted, I threw the entire setup, tank, filter and all in the trash. :(

Even if you live in Florida or elsewhere that Blue Tilapia are found in the wild and you catch some and want to bring them home to put into an AP system, quarantine them for no less than six months and watch them vigilantly every minute for anything that looks suspicious, swimming funny, body shaking, strange spots (that may or may not move around) anything and then think twice more before introducing them in with fish you know to be healthy and parasite free. :mrgreen:

02-20-2009, 01:27 PM
Algae and bacteria and not the same.

A quarentine tank is a must for anyone that take this stuff seriously.

02-21-2009, 09:31 PM
Even if you buy the stuff at your local petco..... quarantine!!!!
I frequently see Anchor worm on the local fishes for sale in the local petstores!!! If they have Anchorworm... I shudder to think what else may be lurking!
I have bought feeder fish from my local petco (hey what can I say they are only a block away) and put them into a quarantine tank only to find most dead before they even get out of the bags! The ones that survive develope an ugly fungus within days and it is not unseen for them to begin to develop tumors!
Not in MY TANKS... Even if I use feeders... They are quarantined and fed anti-parisitic feed... Don't want that stuff in my tanks! Or my ponds for that matter...
Scary when you think of it... I am hoping to get my own colony of minnows to grow and reproduce by the end of the summer... I want to supply myself with feeders and not buy them outside... Thess are for my handfull of bass and the channel cats, not tilapia of course.

Riverside, Ca



You really have no idea what kinds of infestations of all kind of little creatures from leaches to all sorts of tiny insects etc. you'll introduce to your system that feed on fish. If you do that, you'll loose all your fish and then have to break down the entire AP and sterilize and rebuild it from the ground up because they will get into your grow medium and breed like rabbits. :o

:oops: Years ago, I was wading in small creek looking for sailfin mollies (the green variety grow wild in Florida) when I spied some ghost shrimp. I caught a few, took them home and put them in a 10 galleon tank with some Convict chiclids thinking they would eat the shrimp (they didn’t) but I noticed little black spots on the shrimp that looked strange. That afternoon the spots disappeared from the shrimp and appeared on the Convicts. I caught one in a net to investigate and quickly found out they were young leaches and I tried everything to get the off the fish and get rid of them to no avail. Finally the fish died and I was so disgusted, I threw the entire setup, tank, filter and all in the trash. :(

Even if you live in Florida or elsewhere that Blue Tilapia are found in the wild and you catch some and want to bring them home to put into an AP system, quarantine them for no less than six months and watch them vigilantly every minute for anything that looks suspicious, swimming funny, body shaking, strange spots (that may or may not move around) anything and then think twice more before introducing them in with fish you know to be healthy and parasite free. :mrgreen:

02-22-2009, 10:30 AM
The majpr pet stores are the last place you want to buy fish. Besides being sick, they are very abused. You'll also notice they heavily salt their tanks. Those plastic tubs you see in their tanks are full of salt.

Only buy from a reputable aquaculture source, someone who has a reputation to maintain in the community.

02-22-2009, 09:24 PM
I buy from Petsmart in Billings, because they are the only shop I think I can trust ...... I pick and choose which fish I want, even if they are feeders, when they get home, they immediately get a bath for a week in a 5 gallon tank with Malachite Green - I used to use Methelyne Blue, but for some reason, it doesn't seem to be on the shelves anymore :(. If you use Malachite Green or Methelyne Blue, be aware of the fact that it will turn all of your air hoses and the silicone sealer a blue-green color (which I like, because it blends in much better with plants if you have any in your aquarium.

I've been looking for the old style corner filters or sponge filters, but no one seems to carry them any more. I would rather replace my own carbon and filter floss, than pay 4 bucks for something that's only going to last me a week or so. I guess that makes me a dinosaur, but I'm with that as far as I'm concerned, so that's why I scour the thrift shops for aquariums and supplies, so I can do it the old way instead of pre-packed, pre-measured filter products (end of rant).

JCO, I like your idea about using the old filter floss for starting the bacteria .... I have a 13 gallon rubbermaid that I put the dirty water into from my 50% weekly aquarium changeout, and then I am putting my lava rock and pea gravel into that to build up the bacteria. On advice from someone at an Australian Forum that I visit, I put a small section of PVC pipe, with a notch in the bottom for an air hose, and I run an air stone in there to circulate the water. Today, I did my weekly filter change, and threw the dirty filter floss into that container. That should help speed up my bacteria growth .... Thanks for the advice, and thanks Jeff for asking this question ;)

02-23-2009, 10:46 AM
Check aquabid. Loads of good deals there. They have sponge filters, and just about anything else you might want. I buy & sell there all the time.

02-23-2009, 10:19 PM
Check aquabid. Loads of good deals there. They have sponge filters, and just about anything else you might want. I buy & sell there all the time.
I'll look into that, Thanks

02-24-2009, 01:36 PM
I guess I need to re-think how I collect stuff then. I am always bringing things home kike rocks and plants (if they seem harmless that is).

We have a large cliff of sand stone rock here that is 50 high called "the ledges" (my town is Grand Ledge) and these are very popular with rock climbers. Anyway I go to the park which is next to my back yard I like to walk down the steps by the cliff and go to the river and just explore with the dog on tow. When you get to the base of the cliff's you can walk under these cliffs because the stick out and there is water trickling down in certains spots 24/7 365 days a year. And there is green moss on rocks where the water is always hitting. This all goes down the bank at a low angle and runs into river which is 20 feet away.

Anyway I was thinking how this water must be very clean after going through 50 feet of sand stone and rock. Then wondering if the green layers might be something to use in a aquaponics for the bed.

I collected this mossy green one year and used it on a small water fall in my pond. That moss attached to small sand stone rocks I made the water fall out of and it grows a little more each year. Even put some cheap gold fish in this pond one year to keep larva from producing mosquitoes.

I was wondering if this moss could be used in a grow bed to boot the bacteria but maybe not a good idea I guess or would be no benefit in using it?

There is some bad stuff out there and I can see why it would be wise to be careful so the advice is good and was absorbed.

02-24-2009, 04:14 PM
Being out in the back country, you may not be at much at risk as some of us city slickers. Still, even way up on top of the Adirondacks here in NYS, I run into some giardia (beaver fever - nasty!) in what was crystal clear water. Best not to risk it.

Plants don't boot bacteria. If you have goldies that are established, just pup a filter in their water. After a week or so it will get grey and have some gook on it. Use that to boot the next system, and so on.

02-24-2009, 05:26 PM
Plants don't boot bacteria. If you have goldies that are established, just pup a filter in their water. After a week or so it will get grey and have some gook on it. Use that to boot the next system, and so on.

Ok now I am starting to get...these things can save me allot of time and more than likely money by not having to find out the hard way.

We were watching the "survivor man" show once and he was talking about that giardia saying you do not want to ever end up drinking water with it or you will be sick as a dog.

I am not really in the country but it does not take long to be in the country here. Jump in the RAV, go about 2 miles, turn left, find a dirt road and your in it :)

Some peeps on you tube make their own filters and so I am trying to make one out of 4 inch thin wall PVC for the goldies in the rubber maid tank.

I cut a section of PVC about 12 inches long with band saw (hack saw works too) then caped it on both ends. Next used a auger bit and put two 3/4" holes in the side for 2 lines to go in.

One line is grow bed return drain and other is bypass flow control for the IN line of grow bed. That second line feeds the grow bed and also it is sending some water from tank back into the filter so the water get's a little "extra" filtering. I used charcol and filled the PVC half full too.

The PVC was layed against a band saw and I cut slits in the side for draining into fish tank. It is only and idea that needs to be modified but it is working I can tell. I was going to buy "activated carbon" but WOW it is not cheap and so I bought a container of charcoal form fish store. Charcoal was about $6.75. Guess I was thinking as Jackalope was mentioning about making your own filter. So far so good..by the way what do you all think about rain water? I gathered some last few days from snow melting off the roof and ended up with 10 gallons of it. I let it sit in shop and warm up the poured it little by little into grow bed and let it run into the system since I was low in fish tank any way.

I will get some pics here in a few minutes

02-24-2009, 06:03 PM
[attachment=2:1fdhm9ic]Picture 001.jpg[/attachment:1fdhm9ic]

02-24-2009, 06:13 PM
This is 4 inch end cap and the "draining" end of grow bed that goes to fish tank. I used 2 rubber washers for sealing the fitting and it does not leak. The cap does because I have no sealant on it but it is dripping into the fish tank below so I am not worried about a tiny drip.
[attachment=2:3586iwv5]Picture 019.jpg[/attachment:3586iwv5]

Picture below:
The white PVC in tank is 4" thin wall I cut down the center (end to end) it is split in 2 pieces then
and these make great little hide outs for fish. PVC is great stuff you can do many things with it. [attachment=1:3586iwv5]Picture 022.jpg[/attachment:3586iwv5]

02-24-2009, 07:45 PM
Congradulations...you went for it and pretty or not, it works and what you learned from the experience can never be taken away form you. Crawl before you walk...necessity is the mother of all invention and right now in this world...necessity is becoming more and more prevalent.

Many years ago Jules Verne wrote books about things that had yet to happen using thing not yet created. "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea" he dreamed up an atomic submarine, scuba gear with self-contained breathing apparatuses and "Rocket Ship to the Moon"...these are only a few of the things he wrote about in his books.

TODAY movies fortell the future!

We have movies now, that if you watch closely, they show us where we are headed on this earth and who will and will not survive.

Global control of all human beings and everything they do, say, eat, sell or buy. That is the goal of the big corporations. That is one of our futures....there are many...each a fork in the road...we must make the right choices, choose the right fork and help as many others along the way as possible. Aquaponics can do just that...it can take our destiny out of the hands of others and make us individually self-sufficient.

Don't let a day go by without learning something new that is useful in making yourself and yours more self-sufficient!



02-25-2009, 05:22 AM
You nailed it JCO..I feel the same way and you know what? It is my view that we the people are also to blame because we allowed these things to happen and we became comfortable with someone taking care of us with food production.

By the way you really speak truth and never stop please.

I have a vision of aquaponics being all solar and /or wind powered, hydroponic same way. I can see ponds being used as a food source not just the water but the fish ammonia. I can see solar radiant heat being used as a power source (cans painted black and sealed in a row).

With 1 life to live it makes no sense not to try as you have mentioned they had visions years ago that came true. Yes we in a "don't worry we will supply you with your food world" and it does not have to be this way (I am talkaing about corp food production by the way).

This is why I bring up my grandpa's farm at times because it was "independent" of mans production food chain. And by the way Farmers Markets and CSA's are becoming popular again and is it no wonder why? We are canning this fall and will try that food vac seal deal as much as possible because there is no excuse not to.

There are drugs and pills to treat things that are caused simply by "eating the wrong foods". But it makes people rich (pills) so the cycle became a giant wheel and it get's bigger each day. Fix it pill's for what ever you need. Now they come out with a pill that helps people detach from emotional stress such as death in family and job loss. It is a pill that actually numbs a part of the senses so you do not have to feel the full blown emotion...is that scary or what??

Sure life can be tough but don't detach me from living it..pfffffff !

NUFF is right...let's change direction and I am not thinking of gov't leaders I am thinking that "we" as people can change. For example the way we eat and we need to re-educate the willing public "little by little" why we need to get back to square one. It is all about health and being responsible in choices as to what we eat and how we eat.

I smoked 35 years then in 2006 I was told I had mild copd at 49 and I hate the fact I damaged my lungs and watched a brother and Dad die from smoking. But I "changed" and quit smoking over 2 years ago now I feel 100% better and I eat better.
So did change help me?..Oh yea!

03-02-2009, 02:59 PM

Don't know if you've got this or not, but if you have an aquarium with fish in it, take the dirty filter media out and put it in the water for your grow beds. That media will contain more bacteria than you could ever buy in a bottle form the store and it's free. Also, a big scoop full of the gravel from the bottom of an established aquarium will contain the bacteria you seek.

Thanks this is the info I needed my son has a large aquarium across the street so I guess I know where I am going to get my starter bacteria. Thanks!