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View Full Version : Help what's wrong with my salad?

01-13-2010, 06:52 PM
As you can see from the picture my lettuce is having issues.
I did spray with a iron chelate solution 2 days ago because i noticed some yellow leaves.

My guess is too much water, but I though salads were good swimmers.
Any ideas?


ps:Not sure i'm posting this question in the right spot.

01-13-2010, 08:46 PM
I'm not an expert on that ..... my lettuce didn't get to looking that good! :lol: :lol:

01-13-2010, 11:30 PM
thanks..i feel better now
now i am wondering if it is heat-related...since i have them in a cold frame and it gets up to 75 degrees during the day. could that be too much for cool season salads?

01-14-2010, 09:48 AM
Are the leaves of the lettuce close to the cold frame wall or plastic or glass(whatever lets the light in) If so, it could be burn from the sun as glass would magnify the intensity of the sun even though it didn't get any higher than 75 or it could be caused by cold at night if it has gotten that low there or you are like Jackalope and just don't have any luck with lettuce :o :lol: :mrgreen:

01-14-2010, 09:58 PM
Are the leaves of the lettuce close to the cold frame wall or plastic or glass(whatever lets the light in) If so, it could be burn from the sun as glass would magnify the intensity of the sun even though it didn't get any higher than 75 or it could be caused by cold at night if it has gotten that low there or you are like Jackalope and just don't have any luck with lettuce :o :lol: :mrgreen:

thanks for the info..i'll look into it. for now i am opening my cold frame during the day. failing at this is not option: if i don't have salad on the table soon, my wife cuts the funding...and the fun is over :shock: