View Full Version : Hello from NW PA

harry t
04-18-2021, 11:30 PM
Hello everyone, i’m thankful to be here!
Im an aquaponics newbie currently building a split tote ebb and flow system. I plan on raising blue tilapia. Due to the world situation i figured i’d better get my ass moving on some form of sustainable food supply! I’m waiting on my water test kit from API and heater control. My plan is to get 50 fingerlings and go from there.
Should i start with the fish or start with plants? Not having much luck with the answer to that question.

Thanks, Harry

04-29-2021, 02:49 PM
Hi Harry,

If you need to start with one or the other first, I would start with the fish as you will need to build up some nutrients in the water, not to mention the water will take some time for the water to stabilize. I would also start with a couple test fish and grow from there.
