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View Full Version : Growing Strawberries

06-02-2016, 03:35 PM
Hello, I am a long time fishkeeper and have recently found myself interested in aquaponics as well as hydroponics and aeroponics. So i will make this disclamer up front... I have done a lot of research but still am a beginner. I have read enough that I would like to think I have a pretty solid understanding of the various systems and how they work, but as anyone who has ever built anything... understanding and research is a far cry from actual experience and its about time I rectify that :)

So first things first... I will be working indoors with some grow lights for the moment... if things turn out great I may expand to a greenhouse outdoors but for now I am working in a pretty limited space.

I also am aware that the fish I keep are not the ideal for aquaponic systems but I figure as long as the aquaponic part of my little experiments stays small I should have enough to fertilize my plants. I breed various fish so I do get a lot of excrement, just not enough for a major large aquaponics setup.

So now my plan... I am going to have a 3 part experiment to decide what I want to do, the first part will be a strawberry tower which will be based off my aquaponics, I also will do a larger vertical planter using NFT with hydroponics. Lastly I plan on making an aeroponic system so I can compare the 3 so I can say I will honestly understand the differences in implementation and whatnot. As I said somewhere in the future I would like to expand beyond this experiment but I need some practical experience first.

Now for the questions...

1.) Strawberry tower... What media do you guys usually use in your towers? I've seen these built a few different ways and it seems like everyone thinks they have the best method. I was considering the tower where you cut a slot every 6 inches or so then use a heat gun and bend the pvc in. THEN I would use a 4 inch pot filled with hydroton. Then let the water drip down from the top.

I have also seen a few people drill holes out and put some pvc in the slots and use a root growing method using what looks like to me aeroponics... I suppose if you are sure to filter the water that it wouldnt be a problem but can you get a proper mist in 4 inch PVC? If this is possible I would go very much like to go that route since it would compare better with the aeroponic barrel I plan on making in part of my testing.

2.) Vertical NFT setup... I was planning on making a system similar to this: http://www.amazon.com/Hydroponics-system-54pcs-Nutrient-Technique/dp/B00Q8B3HBO/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1464906626&sr=8-3&keywords=nft+hydroponic+system

That is entirely too expensive but is simple enough to build, I'd use 1.5 inch pvc as braces, 4 inch as the growing pvc and set it up so I can control where the water goes and how much so it should be simple enough. if I decided to expand my aquaponics it also should be pretty adaptable to aquaponics from hydroponics.

Anyone ever attempt anything along these lines?

My biggest question is the first one, especially if its possible to get a proper mist in 4 inch pvc, I know I can get pottable water quality 4 inch pvc but not sure about any bigger... and I really would prefer to do it with a mist.. but as I said I have other ways planned if needed.


06-05-2016, 07:04 AM
1.) Strawberry tower... What media do you guys usually use in your towers? I've seen these built a few different ways and it seems like everyone thinks they have the best method. I was considering the tower where you cut a slot every 6 inches or so then use a heat gun and bend the pvc in. THEN I would use a 4 inch pot filled with hydroton. Then let the water drip down from the top.

With the PVC and the slot. Half goes in and half comes out. Not sure about adding pots that way. I could not get the water to even wet a net cup. They plant and fill the tubes as they go up. Someone I know used a beer bottle to make the slit into an opening. I believe he uses clay balls in the tube and I don't know about the plants. He might have kept them in the original soil. What ever he did they grew. I would hang them right over the FT. drain them to it if possible. If not the sump. At some point in time most of them will have an overflow of water and it happens while you are away. Misting them inside the PVC would be a challenge. How would you know if the nozzles got clogged? maybe go to 10 inch and drill view ports. Test a small sample of what ever you want to do first. It will help. I made a short section and loaded it and took it to the sink and ran water at full force and the cup never got wet. Gravity worked wonders. I did make the net cups work but it forced me to run a hose to the top of each one so it filled from the outside in. I like to use net cups when I can. I am sold on them. Without them I kill about 90% of all seedling transplants. Mr Death. With them I have not lost a plant from moving it. I still have a lot of parts to buy and work to do but the design should work. If I can support the weight I will use sand or pea gravel in the tube. If not I will at least try a mix of 2.
Pea gravel out grew the balls and C33 sand should out grow the pea gravel. I don't know what I will use. It will need another test. My vertical tubes are 1.5 meters long. That can get heavy fast when hanging it. The zip towers use foam only. How to take it down and clean it out should be fun.

06-09-2016, 04:52 PM
Do you have any idea the proper mixture of light for strawberries?

Would I want Red and Blue LEDs like some of the other things grown aquaponic and hydroponically?

for instance would one of these work well?

