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View Full Version : Red Claws in Canada

09-26-2015, 12:15 PM
Does anyone know if/where a guy could purchase some Red Claw Crays in Canada? Actually in Alberta would be ideal, but I don't mind shipping if they're legal in our province. I can't quite find the right literature from Fish & Wildlife saying if they're illegal.

09-26-2015, 10:43 PM
Well I was able to find a post out of Ontario for a guy selling some back in May. He seems to be breeding them. Here is the link. If you want to go halfers on the shipping please let me know. I love crayfish, but not sure if these are legal in the province.

$10 Australian Redclaw Crayfish (Cherax Quadricarinatus) juveniles (http://www.duzzee.ca/deal/_10_Australian_Redclaw_Crayfish_Cherax_Quadricarin atus_juveniles-347020.html)

09-26-2015, 10:45 PM
Should also have mentioned that the ad stated that "These usually sell at Big Als for $19+.", so the local big Als might be able to bring them for you. Not sure of the cost though, but the good news is they breed fairly quickly.


09-28-2015, 03:35 PM
Thanks Jason. I just put a call in to AB F&G to see if they're legal. Of course, their voicemail picks up even though I technically called before closing at 4:30... I'll post what I find out when they return my call tomorrow.

10-14-2015, 01:19 PM
Hey Jason,

Any news on the red claws being legal? I called Big Al's and while tge do get them from time to time, they do not currently have any. We can add our names to a waiting list, but it might be quicker to order some elsewhere before it get too cold out.


10-14-2015, 04:59 PM
I'll have to try while I'm at work... I keep calling at like 4:32; but, their office closes at 4:30. I leave a message, but they have yet to return a call. I doubt we want to get them from Big Al's - they'll likely be $30+ea.
A friend of mine who live in Beaumont, who's from the Midwest States says that he's fried up some of the little crays from the pond down the block from his place. He says the little ones actually have more flavor.

Any of our US counterparts want to chime in? What are the Crays with the best flavor - maybe the red-claws aren't the way to go?

10-14-2015, 08:28 PM
I have to agree the price will higher then if we can find a private sale verses retail. I like the idea of going with the Australian red claw crayfish, over other crayfish as from what I have read they are non-aggressive in nature and highly fertile, which would allow us to keep them in large numbers. They also grow larger then other crayfish, so are better for eating, if you are into that. In the past when I have kept crayfish, I have only been able to have a couple in the tank with lots of hiding spots, or they would fight and someone would always lose a claw. As long as they are legal, I say we find someone who can sell us a couple, even if that means we have to ship them in. Why not, they ship in lobsters daily, why not live crayfish? Just a thought.


10-17-2015, 03:31 PM
I agree, Jason. I've been swamped at work, so haven't called again. I'll try to get an answer Monday or Tues (shoot me a text to remind me ;))

10-21-2015, 04:52 PM
Fish & Wildlife come thru again... NOT. Called the other day and actually spoke with someone. Unfortunately, the person I spoke to doesn't know their regulations and had to transfer me to someone else... who, of course, was not available. Another message left....

10-21-2015, 07:45 PM
You would think that you were calling the government....Oh wait. :) I have not had any luck tracking them down yet, so I guess we have some time. Hopefully the gentleman calls you back soon.
