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View Full Version : Pennsylvania signing on

GK Daddio
12-17-2014, 05:58 AM
So lets get to it. I'm Greg and reside just outside of Philadelphia, PA where I have lived all but two and a half years of my life. I have a background in Landscape design/build and lawn/garden retail so I am not new to the aquatic equation but adding the vegetables to the mix is. I just completed my basic system setup and have had it circulating for the past month and ready for stocking with fish. This setup is going to be my test bed before immersing myself in a grander scale and scope of aquaponic growing.
After years of working for others I took the setup to self employment and few years back but after four and a half years and one hell of a recession I had to sell the business as I just didn't have the capital to get through the tough times with a new business. What frustrated me most there was watching our government through money out to all of their pocket lining pals while folks like me wilted away and had to make tough decisions before losing things more valuable like ones home or family.
Anyway, back to the aquaponics. My future plan after getting my feet wet is to expand things into a small business venture whether part or full time but both my brother and I see some potential with this especially knowing numerous restaurant owners in our area. I have always wanted to farm and this seems to be a great way to circle back to my dreams.
I will post some pics shortly but below is what I have got in place or some to be:
- 300 gal DWC system
- 100 gal fish tank
- Two approx. 50 gal grow beds
- Mag drive 1200 gal pump
- Home made bio filter that can handle several thousand gallons
- Will be using LED lighting for efficiency
- Air pump being ordered this week
- Water heater to come for winter since the basement has minimal heat
- Future will bring in a flood and drain bed as well as a small NFT system.

My stocking plans are for trout and yes, I have seen a few comments on using them but with some research that I have done shows that trout can be adapted in a smaller tank when they are introduced under 4-6" in size, good filtration and good aeration. Was going to go with Tilapia but getting them anything larger then fingerlings is near impossible. So I am still waiting to hear back from a PA well know hatchery and I will go from there.
Well so much for being short winded in my intro but I figured I mind as well dive in. See ya'll in the forums. :lol:

12-17-2014, 07:33 AM
Welcome to the addiction. Pull up an easy chair, sit back and enjoy the ride.

Sorry to hear about your business. I was retired...I thought...now I'm back working again.

So, here's the next step. Start your own thread to show your build and don't forget we love photos of your setup step by step.

Again Welcome. :mrgreen:

Roger L.
12-17-2014, 08:16 AM
Welcome aboard. You will find many here who can answer your questions and many here who might have some for you.

GK Daddio
12-17-2014, 08:24 AM
Thanks JCO. I have seen and read you all are picture hungry which makes sense for this type of forum and will post a few soon all be it the system is up minus lights and fish. As for the business its water under the bridge at this point and aquaponics is my mov'n on venture or at least I hope.
Hows your build going down there in Florida? I was checking out your posts the other day but saw you hadn't updated since sometime in November I believe and straight up, your drive to jump into a large setup like your doing is what got me to join this Forum.

Thanks for the welcome

GK Daddio
12-17-2014, 10:00 AM
Thanks for the welcome Roger.

12-17-2014, 03:01 PM
As for my thread and the greenhouse build, I had to go back to work, additionally all is on hold until I can come up with some more cash to complete the next step. It will happen, not as soon as I would like, but it will happen :mrgreen:

GK Daddio
12-17-2014, 03:46 PM
Yeah, know how that goes and in the same boat with the free resource of cash to start my aquaponics at the size I wanted but be as it may. Bummer in one way but a two thumbs up for having more cash to complete your plans.

12-18-2014, 05:32 AM
Hi Greg, welcome to the forum... :) Looking forward to seeing picts of your set up... 8-)

I'm from the 'other side' of PA...near Pittsburgh. Gave up trying to live in the snow about 30 years ago....Brrrr.
Spoiled in central FL. Even where JCO lives...it gets too cold... :lol:

GK Daddio
12-18-2014, 10:39 AM
Hey Dave thanks for the welcome. For me I will take the cold compared to the humidity (hate it) but I will say my hands can't take the cold much anymore and there is nothing like the pain from hands on the verge of frost bite. Now if someone was to blind fold me and drop me off in a particular state, Florida would be the one I think I could pick out due to the humidity :lol:

Aloha Don
12-18-2014, 11:23 AM
Welcome to the addiction! Keep us informed as to your progress.

12-18-2014, 09:54 PM
Man sorry to hear about your business I to own my own company. I wish you the best of luck in your new Aquaponic addiction. Can't wait to see how things work out.

GK Daddio
12-19-2014, 06:56 AM
Thanks Don, Will be putting up something this weekend. ;)

GK Daddio
12-19-2014, 07:07 AM
Hey Topz, Guess that was the downside of getting my own thing going when I did. Wasn't any sign of a recession in 2004 but two and a half years later that started to change. But its a new day and trying to get the new venture in aquaponics going so we shall see.

12-19-2014, 07:54 AM
Hey, davidstcldfl and GK, I am right in the twain... Just south of Harrisburg, PA! We should have a grand gathering sometime and do some brainstorming! Welcome, GK!!!

GK Daddio
12-19-2014, 08:26 AM
Hey, davidstcldfl and GK, I am right in the twain... Just south of Harrisburg, PA! We should have a grand gathering sometime and do some brainstorming! Welcome, GK!!!

Thanks tmcmaster and that could be a good idea but think David said in now hails in thick air state of Florida. Will have to find out more about your setup, etc and I will most likely be setting up a thread on mine this weekend though it will be pretty short to start with.