View Full Version : Hi from Oregon

06-11-2014, 08:37 AM
Hi from Southern Oregon,

I just finished putting my grow beds in order and proud all things are working well. Just added a few Gold fish to start things off. Looking forward to seeing them grow as well as my soon to be planted veggies. Not sure what eatable fish to stock yet but we will just have to see. I have a 175 gallon IBC tote with 8 grow beds. Working on getting it on solar power is my next task. :D

06-11-2014, 11:05 AM
Welcome, Korahs from Southern Oregon, glad that you have joined us. May your journey bring you the knowledge that you seek, put a smile up on your face, create hours of pleasure to stimulate your mind, an a healthier life style for your heart...from Apollo__Phoenix, Arizona.

Nice area and a good looking AP set up, got a couple of questions. Is you IBC tote 175 gals or 275 gals? Where is your pump located and can you break down the path your water takes from start to finish?

If you want to view my set up from start to now, check out “Fire Pit … AP” then “Pipe Siphon by Apollo” and ending with "Got Vertigrow?".


06-12-2014, 09:00 AM
My tank is 175 gals, I know it is small but this is a tester so we can see if we will be able to make it work. The water flow is as follows: From the IBC to the smaller swill filter buckets located on both sides Then to a direct line to the grow beds. the bell siphons then drain to the sump tank where our pump then send the water back to the Tank. Soon all this will be in a greenhouse. We did utilize the natural slope of our yard to help with our system.

06-12-2014, 08:30 PM
Hi, this is going to be short...got a lot to do yet. My thought is that your water enters your fish tank at the top, then over flows at the top. Fish live at the bottom, shit flows down hill...all your bad water is just going to be at the bottom where your fish live, sleep and before long die.

06-13-2014, 05:31 AM
Hi Korahs...welcome to the forum.. :)

Hi, this is going to be short...got a lot to do yet. My thought is that your water enters your fish tank at the top, then over flows at the top. Fish live at the bottom, shit flows down hill...all your bad water is just going to be at the bottom where your fish live, sleep and before long die.

Couldn't tell from the pictures...perhaps you have a S.L.O. (solids lifting overflow) type drain ?

06-13-2014, 09:41 AM
Hi, this is going to be short...got a lot to do yet. My thought is that your water enters your fish tank at the top, then over flows at the top. Fish live at the bottom, shit flows down hill...all your bad water is just going to be at the bottom where your fish live, sleep and before long die.

I already thought of that and took the following measures to make sure the waste from the bottom of the tank is taken care of. Inside the tank I have a series of slotted pipes attached to the lift up tubes that suck up the bottom waste water and solids, then it flows into the 10gal buckets that act as a swirl filter and will remove these before they go into the grow beds.

06-15-2014, 01:47 AM
Welcome to the forum. Your system looks great.