View Full Version : Hello from CA

11-27-2013, 09:29 PM
Hi from High Desert Ca. ;)
My name is Tony.I've been lurking and learning here and other sites for a bit..I have some gardening experience with container gardening as well as square-foot and hydroponics.I have a GH~ 11'x16' that I mainly use in spring and through the cooler weather..Start most seeds indoors and transfer to GH..
ATM I'm growing lettuce and other leafy greens..
After watching some youtube videos and all the lurking I've done I have decided to try AP's.
Because I have experience with hydroponics, I figured, hells bells, Im gonna give it a whirl..
I have lots of extra totes/containers and some PVC fittings and such, which I will use before I spend money on a bigger system this coming spring..
Geez finally! :)
I filled up a 45gal tote to maybe `35-40 gals for FT. Have a couple of the concrete mixing tubs from HD ~20gals ea. that I'll use for GB's, maybe setup a raft in one, since I have one in a hydro sys ATM, think I'll try in AP sys..
Filled one GB with clay balls that I had, and installed a DIY siphon with bottle thingy..I took a few test runs but I finally got it to siphon correctly (F&D)..Man I really am going to love AP..
Been cycling about 3weeks and threw in 12 little goldies for my GD(granddaughter), and just planted a few plants, just because I had them..I'm fully aware that it'll take a few more weeks for the cycling, but I figured what the heck! and let er rip.Couldn't say no to my GD..Remember I'm a newbie to AP..
Sorry about the poor pics..The lettuce on raft are in a DWC, and tis why Im gonna try a CF in the AP sys soon..Oh and BTW, Im wing it ATM, so no test kit(ducking for cover) :oops:
Thanks all, and I welcome any input..

Roger L.
11-28-2013, 08:43 AM
Welcome to the madness!

11-28-2013, 09:24 AM
Thanks for the welcome RL..I am definitely excited about AP, so let the "madness" begin..
I was so dang excited after watching all the videos of the raft systems in AP's that I just couldn't wait to get going.As stated, I will be experimenting and learning before I upgrade to a bigger system(s)
Here is pics of a smaller 10gal DWC lettuce sys I have running ATM.
Thanks again! 8-)

12-02-2013, 09:19 AM
Nice work and welcome to the site and to AP world!

12-02-2013, 10:56 AM

Welcome to the forum and to the madness.

Please go easy on the abbreviations, like what does ATM stand for?

Automatic Teller Machine, Asynchronous Transfer Mode, Adobe Type Manager, none seem to apply.


12-02-2013, 04:48 PM
Good point Oliver... way too many are being used, it's like tiring to read a foreign language.

How's your solar project going?

Welcome ;)

Aloha Don
12-02-2013, 05:49 PM
Welcome to the addiction...
Nice start!
Looking forward to your progress and pics

12-02-2013, 08:00 PM
Thanks for the friendly welcome fellas..
Sorry about all the abbreviations :oops:, will tone it down a notch..Hey Oliver, we're practically neighbors, been reading up on your Aquaponics 101 and its been highly informative and useful, thanks! ;)
FYI(for your info) ATM means 'at the moment'.. :)

12-19-2013, 10:49 AM
Hey there Aquatony, I'm also in CA (westminster to be exact).

Nice little setup you got going. It definitely a lot of fun!


12-22-2013, 02:44 PM
Thanks spartan!..here's a couple update pics..Since I last posted I've started another small sys. 27gal FT with 2-10 gal each grow beds..No fish yet, just starting it up for now..I'm going to pump from FT up to top of a 3-tier shelf onto GB then drain from that to a RB for starting seedlings, then drain to FT..
I built a DIY SF from a 5gal lowes bucket, incase I need to further filter to raft..
I'll take a few pics of it next day or so..
As stated before, I'm gonna hopefully build a larger sys next spring, so getting all the practice/knowledge now..
Oh and I started the current system with 12-goldies and down to 5..Have no idea where my levels are atm(at the moment), still winging it..*yikes*..

12-22-2013, 03:50 PM
Ah heck, I went out to the greenhouse and took the pics now..
Not the nicest looking setup(s) but is with parts I have..
Top shelf will be the media GB with siphon drain >Swirl filter (if needed) to raft> down to FT..
The black lid with scrubbie pads will be replaced with a floating styrofoam raft..
Right now I'm just running/testing and cleaning the rocks and have added ~ 1 gallon of my other FT water.The sys will be used primarily for seedlings and then transfer to other bigger beds..
Will add some goldies sometime this coming week..

12-22-2013, 08:02 PM
Welcome to the addiction. AP is really rewarding. For me, I think the best part was the designing and building... But, come to think of it, I love seeing the new babies... well, maybe the fresh veggies and delicious fish are the best parts, or maybe it's how relaxing it is to visit the system and listen to the flowing water. Oh wait, I know, the best part is sharing the AP experience with others.

Looks like you are off to a great start.

04-10-2014, 10:11 PM
Beautiful work you have done. Its nice to see and a beautiful idea you given.