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View Full Version : FarmTek

10-19-2013, 10:26 AM
It has been interesting to see how the last few issues of their catalog has moved heavily towards hydroponics and greenhouses. It is an interesting read if any of you are interested go to http://www.FarmTek.com ...I'm not sure if the catalog is on line but you can order one there.

10-22-2013, 01:00 PM
I noticed that they carry many products in that area as well. I haven't been familiar with them for more than about 6 mo. though.

10-22-2013, 05:29 PM
I hope no one misunderstood and thought I was endorsing them.....in fact I am not, there are many other companies that have a larger selection and better quality. I just thought it was interesting that they would dedicate so much "shelf space" to hydroponics. Might have something to do with the new relaxed marijuana laws.....maybe that's the answer to profitability ......grass and when they get the munchies....fish chips. (Not fish and chips) :mrgreen: