View Full Version : Hello from Ohio

09-29-2013, 01:43 PM
I am planning a greenhouse aquaponics system and am still in the design (and information-gathering) stage. I have ideas about what I want to do, but the more I read (and watch on youtube) the more questions I have.

My biggest concern is whether to go with just grow beds and a tank, or whether to add a sump into the system. I'd prefer it to be the easiest build possible, including maintenance, but I also want to have a successful system without having to change things around too much later.

I am perusing the various threads here to see what I can learn, but it will be hard to remember which forum/thread I've replied in to return and find answers within those long-existing ones. I am hopeful some of you kind folks will indulge me and offer some tips/pointers/recommendations here.

Oh, does anyone see any reason why a galvanized stock tank should NOT be used as a fish tank? The one I'm eyeballing (but have not yet purchased) would really fit the dimensions of my greenhouse and aquaponic system plan (it's about 275-300 gallons).


Roger L.
09-29-2013, 06:45 PM
Easiest builds do not have a sump, but the best builds do. As far as galvanized for a fish tank, that will have zinc in it and will poison the fish.

09-29-2013, 07:31 PM
Oh, wow, thanks Roger...had not heard that about the zinc. Do you think lining a galvanized tank with pond liner would be okay? I haven't found a tank in similar size/shape that I thought would fit in my plan that's made of other suitable material. I can keep looking, but I also have an old pool liner that I was going to cut up anyway (to line the box grow beds I want to build), so I could use that for the fish tank, too, if folks think it will work.

I figured a sump would be better; still trying to see how I would re-arrange things to all fit in the 10x12 greenhouse I'm going to put up and still have room to walk around everything in there.

Roger L.
09-30-2013, 06:56 AM
There was another thread I read that said it might be safe if you coat the inside of the tank with pond paint and then use the liner. The coating of pond paint is a backup incase of any rips in the liner.

09-30-2013, 09:03 AM
That's absolutely correct Roger...you nailed it for safety :mrgreen:

Roger L.
09-30-2013, 09:54 AM
See JCO. You can teach us old dogs new tricks. I try to pay attention to the threads and relay what I have learned when I can.

10-05-2013, 08:24 PM
Thanks, again Roger! I'm trying to learn about sumps and swirl filters to see what all I can add to my little design. It's going to be a busy winter trying to get some of this stuff together!

Roger L.
10-06-2013, 08:02 AM
Remember to post pictures as your build goes along. Everyone here are fascinated with pictures. You can add descriptions too, but it takes us longer on the post that way. :lol: :D

10-19-2013, 07:40 AM
Hello Nancie,,, goodl uck with your build, I'm currently building a 20x9 greenhouse with inground Fish tank and solar water heater,,, Plenty of pictures in my thread as I'm constructing.

Aloha Don
10-19-2013, 09:27 AM
Tell us your plans for your setup.
Lot of experience on this forum that can point out things us novices dont see....
Welcome to the addiction