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View Full Version : sand filter or bio-filter balls?

07-31-2013, 08:36 AM
Just ordered a few hundred 1 inch bio filter balls.
http://www.amazon.com/Jardin-Aquarium-Biochemical-Filter-20-Piece/dp/B004V7CXBW%3FSubscriptionId%3DAKIAILSHYYTFIVPWUY6Q %26tag%3Dduckduckgo-d-20%26linkCode%3Dxm2%26camp%3D2025%26creative%3D165 953%26creativeASIN%3DB004V7CXBW
Going to be using them on my smaller system, but was curious if anyone has actually used these things in a larger system? We are in the process of building out a new system with about 600 gallon capacity and I was thinking of running a sand filter to try and break up some of the solid matter...

Any help would be appreciated. :D

08-01-2013, 02:52 PM
I use to frequent a tropical fish store (right up 'til he was shut down cause Public Grocery bought the center and put in a store). The owner used the blue bio balls in the largest wet/dry filter I have ever seen.

It was made of plexi-glass and was about 8' tall x 2' wide X 8' long. It took up a whole wall and the water from all his fish tanks was piped to a sump and then to spray bar situated over the top of it. :shock: :o

He had a huge round sump tank with a cone shaped bottom which had a drain valve located on the bottom of it and it sat on a stand between the fish tanks and the wet/dry filter. ;)

The reservoir at the bottom of the wet/dry filter had an auto water feed valve which fed from a huge tank which sat beside it and was filled by rainwater runoff. This automatically made up for evaporation and water removed for purchases and kept the system water level at the desired height at all times. ;)

When I heard he was closing, I went to ask about buying the system but the doors were already closed and the shop was empty. Damn, a day late and a dollar short. :cry:

I heard that he had move out of state and took everything with him. :cry: :mrgreen:

A wet/dry system is about as good as it gets if you have a sump settling tank (sump) between the fish tank and the wet/dry system to take out all the particulates. Otherwise they will quickly clog the bio balls and defeat their purpose.

08-06-2013, 06:45 AM
I think I have a document on bio ball filtration. Just checked on my cloud drive and its not there. I will have to look at home.
Are you planning on using a solids removal system prior to the sand filter or bio balls?

08-06-2013, 11:19 AM
AWWWwww...there you go...you got my hopes up then you dashed them on the rocks...you need to find that info or I will have to put you in the same class as myself, got it...can't find it :oops: :lol: :mrgreen:

08-08-2013, 07:11 AM
Still looking for that info..... :? Too many computers and portable hard drives. In the mean time, here is an interesting write up on bio filter construction.