07-16-2013, 01:08 PM
I have seen some good examples of what is now termed in our Green friendly society (Re-Purposing of materials). The truth is this is nothing new, just a new word for it, we older folks know it as buying something USED. But you may say "AP is so new there is no USED AP systems to be had yet", well maybe, maybe not? Many people who are not farmers or this is there first attempt at growing something will be easily discouraged and simply give up in a very short term. There is a lot, let me emphasize A LOT!!! of bad information out there on the net concerning AP. Much of the information simply is untrue and only has one purpose in mind, to make someone else money.
DO NOT, be one of those who gives up, ask questions, stay active on places with good information, like this forum for instance.
Now to the topic of this thread, AP is not the only world with quitters, the world is full of them. Traditional greenhouse gardeners, many of whom have been forced out by the high cost of heating and cooling these large commercial greenhouses are selling these things, CHEAP!!! Look on your local CraigsList or similar forums and you will find lots of old greenhouses for sale, some just for the price of removing them. But maybe you do not need a 30'x 96' greenhouse, fine split it with a friend or two, now you all can chip in, make it even cheaper and you all have a 30'x30' greenhouse for a fraction of the cost of a new one.
Used fish tank supplies, many people get indoor fish tanks and fish and in a very short time find it requires more of their time than they want to spend for upkeep, again, look on CL etc. and many of these are for sale well below the price for new and they are well adapted to backyard AP systems.
End of the season sales at local plant suppliers. Everyone of the big commercial outlets sells out all of their gardening supplies at the end of the season, most at a big discount, just to keep from having to set on it through the winter, many times you can get a lot of your supplies at a reduced price like this.
The point is, especially if you are putting off building a system, because you have priced the equipment new and decided you just cannot afford it right now!! Think in a different way!! Look at your local want adds and CL adds and you may be surprised at what items can be purchased cheap and (here is that word again) RE-PURPOSED to fit your needs in your new AP system.
If you are one of those who have made some good finds like this, let us know, maybe we have not thought of your idea yet and maybe it can help someone out is is wanting to build an AP system, but simply is short on funds for all new stuff.
Thanks for listening
DO NOT, be one of those who gives up, ask questions, stay active on places with good information, like this forum for instance.
Now to the topic of this thread, AP is not the only world with quitters, the world is full of them. Traditional greenhouse gardeners, many of whom have been forced out by the high cost of heating and cooling these large commercial greenhouses are selling these things, CHEAP!!! Look on your local CraigsList or similar forums and you will find lots of old greenhouses for sale, some just for the price of removing them. But maybe you do not need a 30'x 96' greenhouse, fine split it with a friend or two, now you all can chip in, make it even cheaper and you all have a 30'x30' greenhouse for a fraction of the cost of a new one.
Used fish tank supplies, many people get indoor fish tanks and fish and in a very short time find it requires more of their time than they want to spend for upkeep, again, look on CL etc. and many of these are for sale well below the price for new and they are well adapted to backyard AP systems.
End of the season sales at local plant suppliers. Everyone of the big commercial outlets sells out all of their gardening supplies at the end of the season, most at a big discount, just to keep from having to set on it through the winter, many times you can get a lot of your supplies at a reduced price like this.
The point is, especially if you are putting off building a system, because you have priced the equipment new and decided you just cannot afford it right now!! Think in a different way!! Look at your local want adds and CL adds and you may be surprised at what items can be purchased cheap and (here is that word again) RE-PURPOSED to fit your needs in your new AP system.
If you are one of those who have made some good finds like this, let us know, maybe we have not thought of your idea yet and maybe it can help someone out is is wanting to build an AP system, but simply is short on funds for all new stuff.
Thanks for listening