View Full Version : Cleaned up compost pile.

07-11-2013, 10:27 AM
I finally cleaned up the compost pile. A local business had a pile of used pallets that they needed to get rid of. I was able to fit about 8 of them in my trailer and haul them home. 8-) I decided that four of them would help the compost pile stay in one place and keep my dogs out of it. ;) I used a few 3 inch wood screws and fastened them together. Pretty simple.

http://i1157.photobucket.com/albums/p600/2tranceform/IMG_20130709_203843_504.jpg (http://s1157.photobucket.com/user/2tranceform/media/IMG_20130709_203843_504.jpg.html)

http://i1157.photobucket.com/albums/p600/2tranceform/IMG_20130709_203943_124.jpg (http://s1157.photobucket.com/user/2tranceform/media/IMG_20130709_203943_124.jpg.html)

07-11-2013, 10:36 AM
Nice idea... 8-)

07-11-2013, 11:03 AM
Man, If I could teach my mules to all go to the bathroom in one place, maybe I could build something like that, instead of having to scoop it all up and move it with the tractor??

07-11-2013, 01:16 PM
Man, If I could teach my mules to all go to the bathroom in one place, maybe I could build something like that, instead of having to scoop it all up and move it with the tractor??

Would you teach them to leave the seat up or down? :mrgreen:

07-12-2013, 06:32 PM
Farm humor....you gotta' live there..! :mrgreen:

07-13-2013, 12:23 PM
Would you teach them to leave the seat up or down? :mrgreen:

My two john mules would leave the seat up just to mess with the mollies, They are only playing, but they can damn well do some mean things at times!!

07-16-2013, 12:19 AM
Is that you sitting astride a mule in your avatar or is that Festus from Gunsmoke :?: :lol: :mrgreen:

07-16-2013, 02:00 AM
Nice open field - looks like you have a ton of space to "play" with. :)

07-16-2013, 03:46 AM
Yes that is me, my brother, Festus, was to the right, just out of the picture !!!
That picture was not at my place it was down in Clinton Arkansas, at the National Championship Chuckwagon Races. They hold them down there every year. This year they start on August 23rd. and go through Labor Day. They are always the week before Labor day.
Just as a side note I sold that mule, I just never have been able to get along with a Molly, my wife and kids love their Molly mules, but not me, I will stick with john mules from now on.

07-17-2013, 09:04 AM
Yeah, I have a little space to play with. 13 acres total: 3 acres tillable, 1 acre house + yard + other buildings, 9 acres fenced for grazing.

07-17-2013, 09:45 AM
I was told by an older friend of mine that 40 acres is all one man can really take care of, if he farms it and really keeps it up. I believe this is probably true. I have had a big farm before, just over 350 acres and it was just a never ending job of catch up. I now live on 5 and it is just not quite enough. I recently bought an additional 20 close by and look forward to getting it ready to use. I really believe in all my years of farming in various forms my friend was right, about 40 acres, if a man really manages it, is really all one man can keep up.

07-17-2013, 11:51 AM
Yes and don't forget the mule :!: :shock: :o :lol: :mrgreen:

07-17-2013, 02:07 PM
It goes without saying I would have a mule (or 2) can't honestly ever see myself without one, as long as I am still alive. When I get to old to ride, I will get a wagon. When I get to old to ride in the wagon, well then I will just pet them.

07-19-2013, 02:32 PM
I use to own 40 acres in the foot hills of the Ozarks in Southeast Missouri way back when. I raised registered Appaloosa Horses, chickens, ducks, geese, guinea foul, fancy pigeons, and even had a couple Black Angus cows. Also had a couple dogs and a cat. 8-)

It was 1/4 mile X 1/4 mile, fenced and cross fenced into 4 10 acre sections. That 40 acres was a nice size for walking the perimeter as often as I had time checking fences and gates but I would have been happier with about 100 acres because of the need for more space for the horses. ;)

What I wouldn't give now to have that 40 acres back...to me it was paradise and because of a work related injury I lost it and the idiots that bought for next to nothing because I was forced to sell, put a gigantic house in the middle of it and let the rest grow up into brush. :cry:

07-19-2013, 03:52 PM
JCO I know what you mean. I have seen some real nice property around us here divided up into lots and now have houses where there used to be hay fields. My father-in-law pointed out one day that every where else in the world the people live on the land that is not suitable for farming and the best land they farm. Here in the US we do it ass backwards if you ask me, everyone wants a nice level piece of property to build their house on and slowly but surely we are losing a lot of good farm land because of that. Like I always say "if you want to mess a place up, just send people there and give them some time"

Aloha Don
07-24-2013, 01:26 PM
At this point, I just need land....dont care if it is "farmable" or not. That is the beauty of AP. I will just build on top of the rocks if I have to. I just feel the need / frustration of not having enough space to do the things I want to do....

07-24-2013, 02:55 PM
All that talk of large acreage is something that really wets my appetite. I live on an eighth if an acre, and engage in all kinds of intensive planting, vertical growing and space savings techniques. I think that if I were to get a few acres I might just buck wild.

07-25-2013, 12:20 AM
Aloha Don, maybe a small volcano will pop up close by and add a little more to your island property. You could then run over and put up a no trespass sign and claim it as new land...course it might be awhile before you could actually walk on it. I've heard of HOT PROPERTIES but really :lol: :mrgreen: