View Full Version : Hello

06-12-2013, 09:40 PM
Hi everyone, a coworker of mine informed me about this thing called aquaponics about a month ago, at the time I had never heard of it. However, since then I have been hooked to learn as much as I can about it. I am getting married at the end of the summer so putting a ton of time or money into aquaponics might start me in the dog house, I'm currently only dreaming/planning of my own system. I hopefully will build one for next summer.

I have already read aquaponics 101 on this forum and figured I would register, to try and join in on the conversation.

06-12-2013, 10:28 PM
Welcome to the forum...by the way there is no shot, no pill... NO CURE for The Aquaponics Bug and I do believe you've caught a major cas of it. So, pull up an easy chair, sit back and enjoy the ride. It'll last a life time. :mrgreen:

06-13-2013, 11:36 AM
Welcome mdowns, and gratz on the upcoming nuptials. I second JCO's comments - once you got the bug, you are hooked. How about starting with a very small aquarium/salad system that should keep costs down and help you learn the ropes before jumping in full throttle? This way you don't have to delay getting going too long, and you can gain experience w/o too much at risk.

06-13-2013, 01:28 PM
In addition to what eddiemigue said, you will be able to show your intended the value of Aquaponics to your up coming family :mrgreen:

06-14-2013, 06:07 AM
Hi mdowns, welcome to the forum... :)
Your wife 'to be', may not undersatnd your new addiction, but at least she'll know to look for you, out at your AP system... :P :lol:

06-14-2013, 06:25 AM
Hi mdowns, welcome to the forum... :)
Your wife 'to be', may not undersatnd your new addiction, but at least she'll know to look for you, out at your AP system... :P :lol: