View Full Version : Hello from ArizonA I'm into aquaponics & hydroponics

04-29-2013, 03:07 PM
I'm starting a system that is basically hybrid that is aquaponics with hydroponics.

I'm starting with the tilapia fingerings indoor and aeroponics to get some roots for my future NFT rails using the tilapia fish waste instead of the flood drain system.

04-29-2013, 08:31 PM
Hello and welcome!
I'm fairly new myself, I have an IBC systen with bell sifon using clay media and Tilapia, running great after a few bumps. Would like to try the NFT rafts later but went with the IBC tried and true for my first system.

04-29-2013, 10:03 PM

OK, it would be great if you explained or described the system you mention here.

I'm starting a system that is basically hybrid that is aquaponics with hydroponics.
What is aquaponics with hydroponics...please clarify for me.

Also just to clarify for TMorgan...NFT stands for Nutrient Film Technique and it is not a RAFT system. They are two different animals. Here is a link to describe a raft system http://www.diyaquaponics.com/aquaponics-aqua-systems/aquaponics-constant-flow-system/

and since I didn't have an article already for you on the NFT system, I wrote one and put it here http://www.aquaponicsmagazine.com/nutrient-film-technique-system-nft/

Hope this helps :mrgreen:

04-29-2013, 10:45 PM
Most people that does aquaponics uses IBC tote or similar container to grow fish and have raise beds for their plants/vegetables.

But I will be doing the IBC tote for the fish/reservior and I will have use the 5x5 vinyl post for the rail system for my grow beds. And it will have NFT and top drip with it.

The idea came from the dutch bucket system, it's just my nutrients is using the tilapia.

I've seen grow beds with clay pebbles with their plants growing enormously large, its hard to maintain and i've seen weeds growing in their grow beds b/c its hard to clean after harvest.

But with the rail system, I truly believe its easier to clean and do the maintenance after harvest.

04-29-2013, 11:04 PM
My confusion comes when you say you are going to use Aquaponics with Hydroponics. Aquaponics is already a combination aquaculture and hydroponics, hence the name Aquaponics. Hydroponics uses only nutrient chemicals. As for the different styles of grow beds, they are all used in each technology, the difference being whether you are using Fish nutrients or chemical nutrients.

Check out this URL http://www.diyaquaponics.com/and click on Aqua Systems to see all the different systems, that is except for the NFT which I just added to http://aquaponicsmagazine. One thing to remember about an NFT system, if the tubes you are using get too much direct sun light, the water temp going in might be 70degs, but by the time it reaches the other end, it could be hot enough to actually cook the roots of your plants.

Hope this helps :mrgreen:

04-30-2013, 05:27 AM
you'll have to put in some filtration for your nft tubes.. otherwise you'll have problems with root rot and clogging..
you need some kind of mechanical and biological filtration if you're just using the "tubes".. mechanical for removing solid waste, and biological to convert the amonia to nitrites to nitrates
you may have a problem with heat build-up in the tubes as well
don't mix hydroponics chemicals with your ft water if you want to keep your fish alive
aeroponics is usually associated with using "misters" - while this works well in hydroponics, the bioslime that builds up in an ap system will clog misters (especially if you don't have excellent filtration)

04-30-2013, 03:47 PM
...aeroponics is usually associated with using "misters" - while this works well in hydroponics, the bioslime that builds up in an ap system will clog misters (especially if you don't have excellent filtration)

I dont know exactly how to illustrate my design but here goes!

IBC tote/fish tank gravity feed to a 3 part SUMP tank [gravity feed also] A) solid waste then to B) chemical container with bio balls then to the main sump tank that will have water pump with aeretion( pumping 1/4 of the water back to the main sump tank with the inlet of the water pump having to suck air and water, 1/4 goes back to the fish tank and 1/2 goes to the vinyl tubing/grow tubes and prolly add a top drip along the line and of course the vinyl tubing which are my grow tubes is slightly elevated on one end and have the water pump on a timer for the root rot issue.

i dont know if you follow m at all- i know its a complicated system

05-01-2013, 05:38 AM
by adding the air on the pump inlet, you're going to shorten the life of the pump due to the cavitation wearing out your impeller..
with just the "1/4 goes back to the fishtank", use a "spray bar",,, just a pipe with a bunch of holes... your pump will thank you for it..

or put your venturi on the outlet side of the pump